Desperate with: "Linking Remote Controller"

Oct 21, 2016
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I am a complete beginner in drones, but after I had bought the Phantom 4 I made a real effort by listening and trying to understand tutorials, but I am completely stuck.

My problem ist that the remote controller does *not* connect to the aircraft and the most frustrating thing is that in the otherwise well done and complete tutorial (Tutorials - DJI Global Citizenship) the speaker doesn't mention at all how to do this.

He just describes how
- one switches on the controler, the aircraft and how one connects to the display (in my case a mini iPad)
- shows how to make the motors turn by moving the controls

But omits the most basic part of doing the connection (when I do what he shows the motors do *not* spin)

I then found that one has to go into the DJI GO app and press "Linking Remote Controller" which unfortunately did not help.
In the end I found some more details on

DJI Mobile SDK FAQ - DJI Mobile SDK Documentation

where they even show which button to press for phantom 4 to activate the link.
But all I found instead of the clearly indicated "Link button" was a control LED.
The design for phantom 4 of the critical area was even shown magnified, but there is no button....

Has anybody an idea of what is going on? It seems that people manage to make the remote controller connect to the aircraft.
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Have you registered your P4 in the GO app and given it a name?
No. I heard about the need to do this. So, when I entered the DJI GO app as suggested I was expecting to see the possibility to give the name.

But I didn't see any possibility (inside the app), and I suspected that the controller and aircraft must be - somehow - already connected.
At this occasion I was also very confused to read about this "LINK BUTTON" on the aircraft which simply does not exist!?
Controller and aircraft are already linked when you buy it. If you need to re-link at any stage, the LED you're referring to is also the link button.
However, your main problem is that you haven't registered the bird on DJI won't be able to start it before you do this. Normally when you first connect everything up, you get a prompt in the GO app to create an account and register your Phantom, and give it a name.

If you didn't get that screen, I don't have an answer and maybe your best bet is to contact DJI for advice.
Hi, rockydog, thanks for your comments and - amazingly enough - after many tries, repeating more or less the same procedure which I found on yet another tutorial I managed to get this demand for activation.
The DJI GO app behaves each time a little bit different when I press on "camera". Most of the time it went into a screen asking already for the fine tuning of the device always "avoiding" the activation. Which was not at all helpful.
But now it allowed me to enter the activation procedure and I can now face the real challenges ...
Glad to hear you finally got there! Hope you have a lot of fun of the main things to be careful of when you start out, is to stay well clear of trees......they have a nasty habit of reaching out to grab you!
Glad to hear you finally got there! Hope you have a lot of fun of the main things to be careful of when you start out, is to stay well clear of trees......they have a nasty habit of reaching out to grab you!
Thank you! Well, the fun of flying is still a little away. I have to do some real work (inpspecting a damaged roof) and while I am eager to get to the real thing done I will be very careful and first do exhaustive testing (and there is indeed a nasty big tree lying in ambush for me).
From what I learned from discussions and example-videos it seems that it was wise to choose Phantom 4 and not one of the Phantom 3s.

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