Creative Ideas for Photos?

Dec 2, 2013
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Hey Pilots!

I ordered my Phantom yesterday, and can't wait to get it and start playing with it...I already have a GoPro and can't wait to send it airborne!

I've been brainstorming shots that I want to try, but thought that some of you might have some cool, creative, fun ideas as well. I searched the boards but couldn't find a summary list of neat things to try, so I thought I'd start this thread.

I'll list a few of my ideas, but please share some of will give us all an excuse to go try something we haven't before!

Some of my (lame) ideas:

- aerial shot of my house (obviously), and of my parent's house
- ascending through low-lying clouds to get above them
- flying low along train tracks, then maybe up and above a passing train
- take it on my next fishing trip on my boat and get aerials of me on my boat (nervous about that one...that will happen after lots and lots of practice)
- swooping shots of my son playing tennis
- shots from over the water of our vacation rental house on the river
- take it to the mountains, to a scenic overlook and fly it straight out to get a shot of us on the side of the mountain

What shots are on your "To Do" list, or what cool shots have you done that really worked well?
There's a wide and deep creek valley not far from my house, where the fog likes to hang low in the mornings...low enough that it usually sits below the level of the terrain on either side of the valley. Once I get the right launch point(s) and flight path(s) determined, and a day with the perfect conditions, I know a flyover of the valley on a foggy morning will produce some beautiful footage, probably just skimming over the top of the fog.

In fact, being able to set up exactly that is why I went ahead and bought the Data Link

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