Can I Zoom In On Camera??

Not being flip here but just fly closer to your subject. There is no optical or mechanical zoom other than that.
You'll scare the bunny rabbits. Given how wide angle the lens is, you have to get VERY close to a little things (like birds) and they may take objection to a buzzing, blinking and blowing gizmo two feet from their noses. Yesterday there were some surf scoters ( a duck) playing around about 50 feet offshore. They're 12 inches long. I would have to get within a foot of them to get decent images. I really doubt they would sit for that. Probably take off right into the drone.
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Reading an article about the goverment's incredible & ever more invasive spying apparatus is alarming. It always cracks me up when someone worries about a Phantom spying on them when they have no idea just how much they are being watched.

I wonder if they will make a retrofit kit for the X5, on the P3P? I'm still waiting for my Inspire pro with the X5R to show up on my door step. What a day that is going to be!
Reading an article about the goverment's incredible & ever more invasive spying apparatus is alarming. It always cracks me up when someone worries about a Phantom spying on them when they have no idea just how much they are being watched.

I worked for the military in the not so distant past as a photographic technologist. Very rarely were we able to gain access to "assets" you speak of, they were always in other parts of the world doing much more important missions. It was my job to insure we made our own required assets for our experiments. I find it incredibly ironic that Americans want their government to make it safe for them but refuse to trust the government enough to allow intelligence gathering within the borders of this country. OT: It really wont be long before the Phantom (X) will be packing a 100+ mega pixel that will give digital zoomed images of 4K video at 10X or more. It is all just a matter of time, money and freedoms, or lack there of. Your neighbor with a P(X) will then be able to spy on you nude sunbathing in your backyard. lol By that time his drone's thousand bees will be drown out by the 2 million other drone operators flying at the same time.
I don't want to get too political as this isn't the place but there are two major issues with the government "keeping us safe" with essentially unlimited surveillance on "everything & everyone."

First, it is controlled by people, & people often use such power for their own purposes. Like an Administration using the IRS & other agencies as weapons against its political enemies. With dirt on everyone (and everyone has some secrets they'd rather remain secret), a government could use such knowledge to influence political decisions, say like a Supreme Court Justice changing course & twisting himself in knots to essentially rewrite a law he previously opposed to suddenly find it legal.

Second & more importantly, it simply doesn't work. Ft. Hood, Boston, Vaughn Foods, Garland, TX, Chattanooga, Umpqua Community College, San Bernadino -- ALL of these cases had prior online signs which should caught the attention of the government surveillance programs. All failed until after the fact. Why? Because when you spy on EVERYONE there is simply too much data to wade through. Information overload. I don't know about you, but I am unwilling to surrender my liberties so the government can track down a bad guy after-the-fact. Discovering things AFTERWARDS doesn't improve safety. When questioned before Congressional committees, the government could not point to even one case where their massive spying program has PREVENTED even a single attack.

Just my two cents... o_O

I find it incredibly ironic that Americans want their government to make it safe for them but refuse to trust the government enough to allow intelligence gathering within the borders of this country.
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I don't want to get too political as this isn't the place but there are two major issues with the government "keeping us safe" with essentially unlimited surveillance on "everything & everyone."

First, it is controlled by people, & people often use such power for their own purposes. Like an Administration using the IRS & other agencies as weapons against its political enemies. With dirt on everyone (and everyone has some secrets they'd rather remain secret), a government could use such knowledge to influence political decisions, say like a Supreme Court Justice changing course & twisting himself in knots to essentially rewrite a law he previously opposed to suddenly find it legal.

Second & more importantly, it simply doesn't work. Ft. Hood, Boston, Vaughn Foods, Garland, TX, Chattanooga, Umpqua Community College, San Bernadino -- ALL of these cases had prior online signs which should caught the attention of the government surveillance programs. All failed until after the fact. Why? Because when you spy on EVERYONE there is simply too much data to wade through. Information overload. I don't know about you, but I am unwilling to surrender my liberties so the government can track down a bad guy after-the-fact. Discovering things AFTERWARDS doesn't improve safety. When questioned before Congressional committees, the government could not point to even one case where their massive spying program has PREVENTED even a single attack.

Just my two cents... o_O

Hate to do it but I will add to your two cents @Dirty Bird. As a person who has held a sensitive position in the federal government and sworn to uphold the Constitution, I find your assumptions offensive and unsubstantiated. But since I am a Navy Vet, I really don't let that bother me, you have the right to your opinion. With the work I did the "Administration" did not have any control in research. Speaking only about what I worked on, only the requirements demanded by our war-fighters and the situations they were required to deal with guided our work. Anyone who did not work withing boundaries set by treaties signed by American and the Constitution found themselves re-assigned or terminated. In my opinion many people in this country, yourself included, have no idea how little influence elected officials have on the day to day operation of our government. It is the way the system works, our country is designed that way otherwise we would be China or Korea, or Syria or ... The fact America does not work that way is what makes America great.

Don't know where you get your facts but I chose to believe a decorated General sworn to uphold the Constitution and under oath?

N.S.A. Chief Says Surveillance Has Stopped Dozens of Plots

69th Islamist Terrorist Plot: Ongoing Spike in Terrorism Should Force Congress to Finally Confront the Terrorist Threat

The general's claim was an Administration talking point. There was no evidence provided to substantiate that the NSA blanket surveillance program of average Americans has ever thwarted a terrorist plot. In my prior post I listed numerous examples of where the program clearly failed.

Claim on “Attacks Thwarted” by NSA Spreads Despite Lack of Evidence

Hate to do it but I will add to your two cents @Dirty Bird. As a person who has held a sensitive position in the federal government and sworn to uphold the Constitution, I find your assumptions offensive and unsubstantiated. But since I am a Navy Vet, I really don't let that bother me, you have the right to your opinion. With the work I did the "Administration" did not have any control in research. Speaking only about what I worked on, only the requirements demanded by our war-fighters and the situations they were required to deal with guided our work. Anyone who did not work withing boundaries set by treaties signed by American and the Constitution found themselves re-assigned or terminated. In my opinion many people in this country, yourself included, have no idea how little influence elected officials have on the day to day operation of our government. It is the way the system works, our country is designed that way otherwise we would be China or Korea, or Syria or ... The fact America does not work that way is what makes America great.

Don't know where you get your facts but I chose to believe a decorated General sworn to uphold the Constitution and under oath?

N.S.A. Chief Says Surveillance Has Stopped Dozens of Plots

69th Islamist Terrorist Plot: Ongoing Spike in Terrorism Should Force Congress to Finally Confront the Terrorist Threat
The general's claim was an Administration talking point. There was no evidence provided to substantiate that the NSA blanket surveillance program of average Americans has ever thwarted a terrorist plot. In my prior post I listed numerous examples of where the program clearly failed.

Claim on “Attacks Thwarted” by NSA Spreads Despite Lack of Evidence

So in other words they can say what they like but without proof they are lies. And you of course have no desire to get the clearance and are not willing or able to be put in a position to have the need-to-know. Without disclosing classified methods it is not possible to give you what you want. You seem to have missed the fact "Administration Talking Points" are not important to the professionals that are responsible for this kind of work. BTW,Edward Snowden is as responsible for the current attacks as those pulling the trigger. He has told everyone how to get away with the planning, in detail.

So "I am no Scientist but man-made global warming is a lie" applies to "I am no Intelligence Analyst but no terror plot has ever been thwarted" Makes perfect sense, or NOT!
.............. Edward Snowden is as responsible for the current attacks as those pulling the trigger.........
You're part and parcel of the Machine. Edward Snowden is a Patriot who revealed just how much the government is spying on us and operating WAY outside of its Constitutional limits.

That'll probably get the thread locked. Sorry.
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Chuck I would love to continue the discussion but this isn't the proper venue. Have a nice evening. :):):)

So in other words they can say what they like but without proof they are lies. And you of course have no desire to get the clearance and are not willing or able to be put in a position to have the need-to-know. Without disclosing classified methods it is not possible to give you what you want. You seem to have missed the fact "Administration Talking Points" are not important to the professionals that are responsible for this kind of work. BTW,Edward Snowden is as responsible for the current attacks as those pulling the trigger. He has told everyone how to get away with the planning, in detail.

So "I am no Scientist but man-made global warming is a lie" applies to "I am no Intelligence Analyst but no terror plot has ever been thwarted" Makes perfect sense, or NOT!
You're part and parcel of the Machine. Edward Snowden is a Patriot who revealed just how much the government is spying on us and operating WAY outside of its Constitutional limits.

That'll probably get the thread locked. Sorry.

That we will not agree on. Snowden disclosed methods of intelligence gathering and that goes beyond simple spying and disclosing classified information. ISIS has taken his information and has determined exactly how to communicate in and outside the USA with their supporters. He is without a doubt America's worst traitor in recent times and probably ever. The recent San Bernardino shooters were Snowden's finest example of the damage he has caused America's National Security. "Cell Phones smashed in the garbage" guarantee it will not be the last time you here that scenario. Snowden had the proper channels to address his issues and chose to steal passwords and logins and information he should have never had access to. The traitor should stand in front of a judge, and if found guilty should swing from the end of a rope. He has been instrumental in the death of hundreds of Americans in San Bernardino and other places in the US and the true Patriots, out Military men and women over seas. He is as guilty as those that pulled the trigger, he is a traitor. I am perfectly happy to be part of the Machine if that machine insures the safety of my family and friends to include you @snerd.
If you really were doing what you say you were doing, you were involved in the unConstitutional abuse of power also. You're not qualified to comment on what he did, because you were a part of the problem. Of COURSE you think he's a traitor! You're on the inside looking out................. you can't see the forest for the trees!
............... I am perfectly happy to be part of the Machine if that machine insures the safety of my family and friends to include you @snerd.
I do not need your protection. Don't confuse governmental overreach, abuse of power and exceeding Constitutional authority with being a Patriot. You sound just like other figures in history who were "just following orders". That defense is weak at best, a hanging offense at worst.
If you really were doing what you say you were doing, you were involved in the unConstitutional abuse of power also. You're not qualified to comment on what he did, because you were a part of the problem. Of COURSE you think he's a traitor! You're on the inside looking out................. you can't see the forest for the trees!

You are making some very invalid assumptions there @snerd. Not that it would matter to you, you have convinced yourself government is bad and out off control. I was the end-user of intelligence. I used said information gathered about particular ways our enemies were attacking our soldiers and marines. I used the intelligence to protect our fighters against attack and in order to try to get them home safe. I can't see how you can have a problem with that @snerd. I used intelligence to figure out the most likely scenario for a terrorist attack on civilian populations and how to best protect the public. Again I can't see how you can have a problem with that @snerd. My job relied on good reliable and current intelligence, personally I did not care how we got that intelligence I simply wanted good intelligence. It helps to make you and your friends and family safer and protects our military personnel. I relied on the fact we have lawyers and judges that determine if the methods used to gather the intelligence was done in a Constitutionally legal manner. It was not up to me to make that determination and If I had doubts I was free to contact the proper individuals with the proper clearance to make that determination. Edward Snowden disclosed methods of intelligence gathering, not just the intelligence. Edward Snowden was an Information technologist and only gained access by stealing logins and passwords from those that did have access. My job was to use intelligence to protect civilians and and our military from attack. When methods of intelligence are told to our enemies like Snowden did, the intelligence stops and-or becomes a source of misinformation. That is what Edward Snowden did is put all of us and our military in the dark. Our intelligence we use to make decisions, do research and keep track of those enemies that would like to kill us all has been compromised by Edward Snowden. You may be the one not seeing the forest for the trees @snerd
Anyone Help Me There A Way I Can Zoom In On My Phanthom 3 Advanced When I'm
flying My Drone

I assume you mean zoom in like how you "zoom in" on your iPhone? You can digitally zoom into a section of your video by using a video editor like Final Cut Pro or adobe premiere.

I assume you realize you can't optically zoom as there is no adjustable lens telephoto or otherwise on your Phantom 3.

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