Blinking abnormalties (or no)?: long button pressing for P2V battery lifespan

I didn't recall upgrading battery firmware. I will check again... You just use the assistant app to upgrade, right? I kept all firmware to the latest and mine doesn't auto discharge after 10 days... I thought it was only P3 battery feature? And is anywhere mentions the 2 day discharge behaviour? Or it is bcs the age of the battery, discharging is not a feature but a fact? (Not to challenge you but just to explore possibilities :))

13 months 40 cycles, assuming you don't fly during winter. It is about one flight per week. And after a year 10 min flight time. I think that is acceptable... How do you use a light to discharge while exactly knowing it is 8%? And before And after doing the 8% thing, do you see any battery flight time difference?

Lastly, how many times they flash when showing lifespan? 10 or 4?

Thanks again. Appreciate your reply.

Those of us who took advantage of the v2.6 battery update were lucky because shortly after DJI shut it down. The update had to do with updating the circuit board in the battery and there's no info other DJI's statement that the batteries will discharge after 10 days. So you only have my word that they start to discharge after only 48 hours over several days until they reach 50-40% for storage.

Yes I do fly during the winter months in fact I have a YouTube video from this past winter. You have to remember that I have five batteries which means I fly more than once a week. As videographer I have been spending more time in the air flying then I have doing video and time lapse on the ground with one of my any cameras.

Yes I would agree with you that 10 min flight is good for a 13 month old battery that use to autoland at 45-40% before they even reached 30 cycles and after updating will autoland at 15%, I would say that's **** good.

When I discharge these batteries I purchased DJI battery terminal which I then solder to car brake light socket.
Discharge Blub.jpg

I see. Too bad DJI pull the 2.6 down. If it does wonder to aged batteries, it should be kept :) oh well.

What i was asking about the light discharging is: if you do not put the battery into the p2v and use app to monitor battery level, how would you know it is close to 8% not already below it? LOL.

If you can tell me the flash times while you are discharging your batteries I'd appreciate it. Just to remove a doubt from my mind :)

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