Battery Questions - topping off and flying

Apr 9, 2016
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I am still relatively new (I've had my P3P for about 2 months now). I have read and believe I understand the basic best practice of standard discharge and charging rules. I usually try to fly at least once a week. I have read many posts about topping off the battery... My questions are... Is this necessary if all lights on the battery are lit when checking? And, if so, how do you top off an already full lit status bar battery? I'm probably being a bit paranoid, but after reading some of the posts and warnings, I just would like some clarification. One last question - I also am a bit confused about if it is safe to fly several missions (different locations) on the same battery, on the same day? I currently have 3 batteries... But usually keep the same one loaded until I get low battery message. Which means I may power off and on the AC several times on the same battery. I find this is a great and enjoyable hobby for me... But am finding there is a lot more to it than just flying! Thanks for the great information I have found on this site.

Sent from my iPod touch using PhantomPilots mobile app
There is no harm in topping-off batts from any level.
If the batt has sufficient charge ( 4 LEDs/near full) it can be forced to charge by turning On first. There is no fear of overcharge as it will just stop if/when fully topped-off
It's a good practice to charge batteries to 100% before flights. This would ensure that internal calculations for the remaining charge on the battery is fairly accurate.

For multiple missions, you can use the same battery, just keep in mind that don't switch off phantom, let it remember the charge calculations. Once P3 is switched off, all calculated values will be lost and new estimations with partially charged battery for new flight may not be accurate.
It's a good practice to charge batteries to 100% before flights. This would ensure that internal calculations for the remaining charge on the battery is fairly accurate.

For multiple missions, you can use the same battery, just keep in mind that don't switch off phantom, let it remember the charge calculations. Once P3 is switched off, all calculated values will be lost and new estimations with partially charged battery for new flight may not be accurate.
How do you not switch the Phantom off when you change batteries? Work really, really fast?

I think you meant the RC and app?

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