Hello Drone Ethiusiastics!
I would like to share with my photos taken on my near neighbourhood. The shots were done at night at winter, when the snowfall were present. It was taken by DJI Phantom 3 Professional at manual settings - ISO: 200, shutter speed from 1 sec to max. 3 seconds, but...
I have recently been trying to do some long exposure shots and panoramas both during the day and at night. I seem to be having trouble though because my PH3 doesn't stay 100% steady while taking these slow shots. Some photos come out well but others are blurry. Most of the blurry photos I get...
Flying over my neighborhood around 12:30am at about 300 feet. I guess the cops were curious and shined their light on me. Out of curiosity, does anyone see anything wrong with flying at night?
As a professional photographer i'm pretty blown away by camera on the Phantom 3, so **** happy that I made this investment. I'm still having trouble comprehending how the P3 takes a sharp 2-second exposure while way up in the air.