los angeles

  1. A

    DJI S900 + HDAir Gimbal + Flight Case & Accesories

    $3500 USD Located in Los Angeles, CA DJI S900 Drone A2 Controller Lightbridge 2 + 2x Ground Units (on controller and another for client monitor) HDair MR 360 Gimbal + Handheld Adapters Futaba T14SG Controller + charger iCharger 306B + power source Pelican Case for travel 2x Tattu 16000...
  2. H

    Exploring Dana Point Beach Town in California

    We had n great time exploring Dana Point, it is a beach town next to Laguna Beach in Southern California. Hope you like some of the highlights from our trip!
  3. asiuper2

    Los Angeles: Drone Race Track Antelope Valley

    Hi all, I’m weighing the possibility of opening up a practice/race track in our 25-acre property in Antelope Valley. It is pristine desert, buttes and other rock formations, and plenty of Joshua trees. The landscape lends itself for us to be able to make interesting runs. A couple questions...
  4. S

    Los Angeles 4K

    Please let me know what you think. I put 100+ hours into making this :)
  5. S


    I am looking for someone to help me film videos in Los Angeles. This is a video I made. If you are interested, message me via instagram @sfpix
  6. AerialMediaPros

    Drone Retail/Technician Jobs available in Orange County

    AerialMediaPros.com is searching for individuals who have real world experience with DJI products and a passion for the UAV industry. AerialMediaPros.com is one of the largest independent dealers in North America, and we are expanding our Southern California operations to provide a better in...
  7. IMG_5825


    El Matador Beach, Los Angeles Instagram: @sfpix
  8. S

    Los Angeles Video. Need Honest Criticism

    Please let me know what I should work on. I will appreciate the honest criticism
  9. S


  10. M

    Flying Los Angeles Beach's

    Hello everybody I'm planning on going flying tomorrow I want to hit up some nice Beach spots in LA ...does anyone want to join or know of a good place to fly with out cops showing up ...
  11. S

    Los Angeles From Above Shot In 4k

    Please let me know what you think. took me so long to film
  12. S

    My Best Drone Video Ever

    Please let me know what you think. This took me a while to make, so all your opinions are greatly appreciated <3
  13. Tyler Mason

    Snowboard drone video — in Los Angeles!

    My company was hired to provide drone footage (including a live stream) for Air + Style, Shaun White's event that has a snowboard competition and a bunch of live music. It was pretty crazy to see snowboarders and a huge snowboard jump in Los Angeles, but the event was great — and made for some...
  14. SoCalDude

    L.A. Area NOTAM and TFR (2017-01-08 thru 2017-01-09)

    If you are in the L.A. area next Sunday and Monday, be warned! When the NOTAM is issued, we'll know more as to the exact area.
  15. SoCalDude

    T-Minus 3 Days Until International Drone Expo!

    This Friday is the opening of the International Drone Expo. Who's going? There's a few of us that are going to meet up once we get there (on Saturday). We'll be sure to take plenty of pics. ;)
  16. J

    California by Drone in 4K

    Some of my favorite shots captured over the past six months. Give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed, and if you're new to the channel hit the subscribe button to never miss any upcoming videos!
  17. J


    Enjoy! INSTAGRAM YouTube

    My vlog including phantom 3 standard footage in SOUTH CENTRAL LA

  19. Deep6

    DJI Repair Service Lost My Camera!

    So I had a minor crash which cracked the cameral lens on my P3P. Spoke to DJI repair service who assured me they can work wonders with them and the camera should be repairable. Packaged it all up, wrapped the camera which was detached in the crash in bubble wrap, placed it in the box with the...
  20. Kampy

    Unexpected encounter with LAPD

    Yesterday I was flying my P4 over my apartment building in Sherman Oaks, CA, and had the drone about a block away (over Ventura Blvd) when a helicopter flew overhead at a pretty low altitude (over me, not the drone). The first thing I did was freeze and try to get a visual on the helicopter's...
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