Hi I recently purchased a Phantom 4 Pro, and im now looking into buying a tablet. The regular iPad mini 2 does not have gps to my understanding, and the ipad mini 2 + cellular does have gps. do you need to have the ipad mini 2 cellular in order to use gps modes such as follow me and RTH or does...
$850 ($1000 w/ iPad mini see below)
DJI Phantom 3 Pro
4 DJI OEM Intelligent Flight batteries
2 Sets DJI OEM props
DJI OEM iPhone sunshade
DJI OEM iPad mini sunshade
Polar Pro Landing Gear
Polar Pro Gimbal Guard
Polar Pro Lens Cover
Polar Pro 6 ND Filter Set
ND Filter Set carrying case
Hi all,
Im having a very glitchy feed with my ipad mini 2. It works better with my iPhone 6. I have all apps closed and background app refresh off as well as airplane mode enabled. I was looking for the hardware decode option but it appears it is no longer a setting in DJI GO. Does anyone have...
Hey everyone!
First of all, I am new here, but I have had my Phantom for about 2 months now and fly it nearly every day. I have something like 25 hours of flight time so far.
So, my issue is this: I got tired of editing the low quality (720p) videos that I can download directly from the...
Hi All
My micro SD has become corrupted (pretty sure I have a dodgy card reader).
2 questions:
1. How can I copy the low res video footage from my iPad Mini 2 to my PC so I don't lose today's flights completely? Can't browse to those files when I connect the iPad to my PC and can't seem to...
Hi, I have just ordered a p3a (Black Friday Pre-Sale in the UK). I am considering getting a tablet to use with it rather than use my compact smartphone.
Three that I have considered are the Nexus 7 32GB 2nd Gen, Samsung Galaxy Tab A and the iPad Mini 2nd Gen.
My question is: Has anyone...
Rather than bump an old thread regarding something similar, I have created this new one with a more specific question...
I have been using an Android tablet with great success - zero problems - with my P3A for a long time and now have a good chance to obtain a nice iPad Mini 2 running the...
Hello everybody, please for help with this problem:
Dji Phantom 4 (both actually firmware version)
iPad mini 2 (iOS 9.3.1)
>> NO DETECT in dji GO app
My old Huawei P6 works, iPad not...
Completely reinstal firmware, app.. same problem > on display is only "How to connect"
Thanks for your...
Disclaimer: I don't work or have any relationship whatsoever with the companies identified in this post, except as a customer.
Somewhere on this forum I saw a passing reference to an online outlet called Jet. Never heard of them before. But when I checked them out, I discovered that I could buy...