controller problems

  1. drumrocker365

    Does your phone freeze when flying?

    Hi guys, I'm new to drones. I just got my first ever drone, the Phantom 3 Standard, yesterday. I have a Samsung Galaxy S6, and I just took my drone out for its 3rd flight. I decided to try one of the intelligent flight modes, and had it on "point of interest." It was circling, and I saw what...
  2. H

    Broken remote Antenna

    Hi guys, apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place. One of my antennas recently got snapped clean in half due to a clumsy friend and a rather large boot while my controller was sat on the floor! Have had a hunt around and these parts don't seem to be available as spares and I can't find any on...
  3. RonSpr

    Broken Controller Video Button

    My P3A controller took a tumble yesterday and landed right on the video start/stop button. The button has lost any feel of movement now. It still actually works, but any quick movement of the controller will activate it. Has anyone tried to replace one of these? I've emailed the repair...
  4. R

    Phantom v1.1.1 receiver issue

    Hello All, I am the proud owner of a new phantom 1 v1.1.1 (won it at my companies holiday party). It was brand new never flown or opened phantom. Set it up the day after the holiday party and got it off the ground no problem. I wanted to see if the go home fail safe worked for peace of mind...
  5. T

    Upgrading controller

    Got my ps3 last week. Upgraded the p3 just fine. Now I can't upgrade my controller! I have just the bin file on my usb card, plugged it in, turned on my p3 then the controller, no amber light. The p3 shows green in back, just a blink,,blink. The front ones show solid red. What am I doing wrong...
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