Recent content by USAF_TRobertson

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    Repair Recommendations

    I have also used ATK Drones and Jim is very easy to deal with, great communication, great pricing and quick turnaround.
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    Camera Gimbal Sticking

    I crashed my P3 Pro several months ago and have replaced everything that broke - including the shell, landing gear, camera ribbon cable and a gimbal yaw motor. The fall was at low speed and only about 6'. I was struggling with the camera so I sent it to ATKdrones who did some troubleshooting...
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    Gimbal Tilt Error

    I sent it here: ATKdrones They did some troubleshooting and replaced the ribbon cable and yaw motor. It worked fine for them at their shop (using their drone), however I am still having an issue with the camera sticking when trying to gimbal it down and up. I think I am going to have to send...
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    Gimbal Tilt Error

    After a crash that broke the camera off and tore the ribbon cable, I have replaced the ribbon cable and re-attached everything. I made sure that the flat spot of the axle is parallel with the camera. Everything works on the drone and I can see the video feed from the camera, but the camera does...