Recent content by Masonerickson

  1. Masonerickson

    Youtube & Vimeo Channels - ALL LINKS GO HERE ONLY- NO VIDEOS

    Guys my YouTube channel name is: skybird rx I do drone videos and I fly all over and I have some pretty cool shots! You should check it out.
  2. Masonerickson


    Any ideas about my channel name yet?
  3. Masonerickson


    Alright will do!
  4. Masonerickson


    Ya they sometimes were messed up when sent but I got lucky. And yes I did see a definite improvement in range.
  5. Masonerickson


    The antennas that are on there are a modification that you have to install. Its $50-60 on amazon made by a company called ARGTEK or Blueproton. Like to the one I bought:
  6. Masonerickson


    Ok thanks that helps
  7. Masonerickson


    The remote? I' sorry I'm still new to all the drone stuff but I'm still learning what' a tx?
  8. Masonerickson


    I'm gonna drones from now on. But I want it to be memorable and catchy
  9. Masonerickson


    Ya I need to get that name changed cause I'm now doing drone stuff. But ya thanks for checking out my channel
  10. Masonerickson

    I have a phantom 3 standard

    I have a phantom 3 standard
  11. Masonerickson


    I just made my account yes! But I Assure you its right I'm not Denying it. My youtube chanel is called madgamer 101. And I want to change the name. But I'm no troll
  12. Masonerickson


    Anything really. I drop gopros on parachutes and small bags or boxes on parachutes. I droppd a flashlight at night. I sent a bag on a parachute to my buddy's house.
  13. Masonerickson


    How so? Like how I drop stuff or about the footage?
  14. Masonerickson


  15. Masonerickson


    I have a YouTube channel and I'm now posting these cool vids on my phantom 3 dropping things and getting cool shots but I need a name change. Any ideas on a good catchy name for YouTube???