TILE tracking on a Phantom

Apr 6, 2015
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some time ago i purchased a bunch of those TILEs tracking keychains https://www.thetileapp.com/
They work by Bluetooth connecting to an app on the phone, and you and other people with the app can track your lost/stolen stuff.

I was thinking on sticking one on my P2V+ so I have a better chance of finding it in case of a crash.
But then I was a little afraid of interference... is it possible?

My phantom works on 5.8 GHz, the Bluetooth works on 2.4 GHz.. any change of trouble? I got scared on the reports of wifi on GoPros causing havoc, and I didn't know if this is a possibility too.
I always have BT running on my phone when flying my Phantom. So I don't see an issue. BT changes channel 1600 times a second so as to avoid conflict.
I've seen other people talk about attaching these -- and, they never mentioned any issues with it. So, it should be fine to do.
some time ago i purchased a bunch of those TILEs tracking keychains https://www.thetileapp.com/
They work by Bluetooth connecting to an app on the phone, and you and other people with the app can track your lost/stolen stuff.

I was thinking on sticking one on my P2V+ so I have a better chance of finding it in case of a crash.
But then I was a little afraid of interference... is it possible?

My phantom works on 5.8 GHz, the Bluetooth works on 2.4 GHz.. any change of trouble? I got scared on the reports of wifi on GoPros causing havoc, and I didn't know if this is a possibility too.
I always have BT running on my phone when flying my Phantom. So I don't see an issue. BT changes channel 1600 times a second so as to avoid conflict.
BT on your phone could only cause interference on the transmitter side.
I'm afraid of possible interference on the birds side where the TILE is gonna be.
If a gopros wifi can cause interference on the bird, the TILE works on the same frequency of the gopros wifi.. that is what this post is about
Bluetooth has a range of 10 meters. You will have to be that close to find a lost bird
TILE claims it casts a signal over 30 meters. But even 10 meters, if you lost it in the woods, if it beeps when you are 10 meters from it, its way better that nothing at all.
TILE claims it casts a signal over 30 meters. But even 10 meters, if you lost it in the woods, if it beeps when you are 10 meters from it, its way better that nothing at all.

You might get almost almost 20-30 meters from a tile if out side. and not much blocking the signal. Tho You would need to be closer then that to hear it. BUT the beeper function would work other wise they are real crap and they dont locate well at all. Tho no worry's about it causing any interference with any thing being it uses blue tooth and not wifi
You might get almost almost 20-30 meters from a tile if out side. and not much blocking the signal. Tho You would need to be closer then that to hear it. BUT the beeper function would work other wise they are real crap and they dont locate well at all. Tho no worry's about it causing any interference with any thing being it uses blue tooth and not wifi
well i already have some tiles, so no extra expense would be made. And 20-30 meters of range, is better than no tracker at all if the bird falls in the woods I guess.
My worries are about the frequency. Bluetooth frequency is the same as wifi: 2.4Ghz. And if the gopros wifi at 2.4 Ghz can interfer with the signal... I'm a little bit worried
well i already have some tiles, so no extra expense would be made. And 20-30 meters of range, is better than no tracker at all if the bird falls in the woods I guess.

Ya very true is if you are close to it but if its not in plain view such as if its in a tree, bushes, tall grass ect

My worries are about the frequency. Bluetooth frequency is the same as wifi: 2.4Ghz. And if the gopros wifi at 2.4 Ghz can interfer with the signal... I'm a little bit worried

Actully that is not true blue tooth and wifi are not exactly the same frequency and both have different codeing in the data. So its never going to think its a gopro nore will a go pro ever think the tile is a go pro app sending it signals do do any thing. Its even been debunked that a go pro can easily interfere with a phatoms 1 or 2s 2.4ghz flight control signal and cause a flyaway. Being the 2.4ghz flight control is an encoded radio signal. and the go pro is a wifi and not on the same channel either. Thats also why many different people can all be flying together all with the same phantoms but no one elses radio is going to control any one elses phantom that the controller is not bound to.

Also from what Im understanding about the tile from when I got mine is that when its just sitting idol it dont send out any thing and just listens for a signal to tell it to send out a ping so it can be located or if you ping it to chirp. Which is how they are able to use so little power from the battery and last so long on a single tiny battery.
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some time ago i purchased a bunch of those TILEs tracking keychains Find Your Keys, Wallet & Phone with Tile’s App and Bluetooth Tracker Device | Tile
They work by Bluetooth connecting to an app on the phone, and you and other people with the app can track your lost/stolen stuff.

I was thinking on sticking one on my P2V+ so I have a better chance of finding it in case of a crash.
But then I was a little afraid of interference... is it possible?

My phantom works on 5.8 GHz, the Bluetooth works on 2.4 GHz.. any change of trouble? I got scared on the reports of wifi on GoPros causing havoc, and I didn't know if this is a possibility too.

A tile can be placed on a phantom, but it is not the right thing. Because its tracking range is usually only 100-200 meters, if you fly further, it may not work. I saw something on other drone forums dedicated to tracking drones, but I don't remember its name.

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