Resetting home point

Mar 11, 2016
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Hi all,

I have been having trouble figuring out how to reset the home point to the controller location while the Phantom is in flight (I use an iPhone 6 with my Phantom, with GPS enabled for the app). In the absence of a manual for the DJI Go app, does anyone know of a resource which explains how to reset the home point with the aircraft in flight?Apologies if this has been answered and I missed it in my search.
You can reset the home point from the top of the "MC Settings" section of the DJI GO app. The icon on the left will reset the home point to your Phantom's current location. The icon on the right will reset the home point to your iPhone's current location.

I think that the return to home altitude statement is misleading. It say after entering return to home mode it will climb to the lowest safe altitude and fly back. When actually it climbs to what ever you set the return to home altitude at whether it is a safe altitude or not.
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I think that the return to home altitude statement is misleading. It say after entering return to home mode it will climb to the lowest safe altitude and fly back. When actually it climbs to what ever you set the return to home altitude at whether it is a safe altitude or not.

The new 2.7.1 app is disappointing in regards to re-stetting the home point... why did they remove it from the main screen and now you have to mess with the menu to re-set it?.... stupid... I actually use this feature and now it is harder to use...
The new 2.7.1 app is disappointing in regards to re-stetting the home point... why did they remove it from the main screen and now you have to mess with the menu to re-set it?.... stupid... I actually use this feature and now it is harder to use...
It's really just one click to get to that menu.
You can reset the home point from the top of the "MC Settings" section of the DJI GO app. The icon on the left will reset the home point to your Phantom's current location. The icon on the right will reset the home point to your iPhone's current location.

View attachment 48807
For the life of me, I can't figure out why they put that there.

It drives me crazy because I do a lot of dynamic hompoint changes and why I should have to do that many clicks to get to that is annoying.

It's also tied to emergencies, why would they make it harder to get it to? You go through like 2-3 clicks now and it used to be on the front HUD. Put it back there please.
I read in another thread that resetting RTH to RC doesn't work on WiFi only iPad (I have iPad air 2 wifi). I'm tethering it to my cell phone's data connection and I thought the iPad has GPS. Is there something I'm missing?
For the life of me, I can't figure out why they put that there.

It drives me crazy because I do a lot of dynamic hompoint changes and why I should have to do that many clicks to get to that is annoying.
I agree that it's in a weird spot now. But, you can still access that feature with the same number of taps. Just tap here:

For the life of me, I can't figure out why they put that there.

So they did change it...I thought I was losing my mind. But why? I stood there for 2 mins hitting that little slider on the bottom left trying to reset it.
I agree that it's in a weird spot now. But, you can still access that feature with the same number of taps. Just tap here:

View attachment 48839
Yeah, that is actually where I press and come to think of it, I guess it is the same number of presses. Just feels like more because I have to go to the other side of the screen maybe, or because it's in a bigger menu? Just different, and I don't think for the better.
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I read in another thread that resetting RTH to RC doesn't work on WiFi only iPad (I have iPad air 2 wifi). I'm tethering it to my cell phone's data connection and I thought the iPad has GPS. Is there something I'm missing?

Yes, the bit you are missing is that the iPad does not have GPS :)

Apple only put GPS hardware into devices with cellular capability unfortunately.

You can add an external GPS device to your iPad, but simply tethering to your iPhone won't get you GPS on the iPad .
Yes, the bit you are missing is that the iPad does not have GPS :)

Apple only put GPS hardware into devices with cellular capability unfortunately.

You can add an external GPS device to your iPad, but simply tethering to your iPhone won't get you GPS on the iPad .

Thanks for the clarification. Darn it that would have been a handy thing to have. I almost had an incident the other day where my p4 did not update it's RTH during a momentary pause.
glad I am not the only one who was confused as to how to reset the home point. It's something I would like to do with ease; it's a little frustrating that as the DJI Go app is updated we are losing functionality (i.e. automatically upating dynamic home point) and it is becoming less intuitive to use.
it's a little frustrating that as the DJI Go app is updated we are losing functionality (i.e. automatically upating dynamic home point)
The DJI GO app never had a true dynamic home point feature. This feature has not changed -- it has just been moved.
It's really just one click to get to that menu.
I know.... but it used to be right on the home screen, very handy. Any time I have to go into the menu it's just another step. I'm curious as to why they moved it?... perhaps people were hitting the wrong button thinking they ere hitting the Go Home button?...
The DJI GO app never had a true dynamic home point feature. This feature has not changed -- it has just been moved.
Hummm what do you mean? I used to be able to hit the "home point" and it was give the option of where I'm at (if I have a GPS enabled tablet, which I do) or where the copter is at... is that not dynamic home point?.... maybe I do not understand the term properly?
I would guess that a "True" dynamic home point would let you select that it should use your position once, then have it automatically update as you move around.

What they have is good enough for most situations I guess, but operating from a moving platform such as a boat would be easier if it was really dynamic, not merely updatable.

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