Lost Drone. Be wise before anything happens.

I used to put on any book I loaned "This book was stolen from MY NAME". Strangely, I always got my books back after that.
That reminds me of another old story. A guy noticed that every time he went to the toilet in the pub someone had taken a quick swig of his beer whilst he was away. So he left a note stuck to the glass :-
" warning I have just spit in this glass" went off to the toilet convinced no one would pinch a quick drink now. On his return he found another note stuck to his glass it simply said "So have I" :)
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Witching? Do you have to fly over to it on a broomstick? Seriously though thanks for the information. How do you attach the Marco Polo to the drone? I shall have to look this one up. :)
UAV Bits provide a Marco Polo Saddle Bag that mounts between the led and body for the P3P. It's very light and out of the way.
I think I know the ones you mean. Ideal for tracking pets etc? Total and utter waste of money. Eyesight would work better than these things. Handy if you do not know which pocket your keys etc are in but other than that don't waste your time. I got 4 TrackR's and kick myself every time I think about it. Could write more but not without swear words .......... lets just say I was very unhappy with the results.
Found the saddle bag. Looks like no go for the P4. Bummer

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It's not the Bluetooth one s no , it carries a terrifying sim , I've got one wherever there's signal it works....also why not use a small phone and use find my friends , phone, or similar, that'll work about 50 euros will get you one
Phones also have an internal GPS as well as using cellular network, there's some tiny smart phones that could be believed on the bird
That's not the right one for drones.

Marco Polo offers two transmitters. You obviously want the lightest and smallest one. The Pet transmitter is more rugged and waterproof, which you don't need. It weighs a lot more due to the enclosure.

Pet style:

Drone style
The Pet transmitter is more rugged and waterproof
Here's what the manufacturer says about the pet version on their website:
"the pet version of the tag which is weather resistant and rated for brief, shallow submersion"

It seems neither are waterproof.
If you pay 200$ for a tracking device for a 1000$ drone you obviously evaluate your risk of losing it to be 20% or higher. Otherwise it makes no sense.

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Had eight phantoms never had a fly away battery run out anything like that, use maps cached so can see exactly where it is, for about twenty euros you can get a tiny smart phone, subscribe to say Google friends and always see where it is... Why spend 250 on a tracker that only goes to 2 miles.
Each time I look on the forum some poor sole has lost their drone. To stand a greater chance of getting it back invest in one of those labeling machines. Dirt cheap.

Then print out a few with your telephone number and the word reward. Eg :-

01334 4837267 Reward its cheaper to pay out a few £ or $ than start from scratch

Put the labels on batteries, the drone itself, the controller etc.

Its also a good idea to put a note on the SD Card. Simply write it on 'notepad' in windows. Save it as a TXT file. Then transfer it onto the SD card. Mine says something on the lines of :-

Thank you for finding my drone for me. I would be very relieved to have it back and will gladly give you a reward for your honesty. This drone is of no use or value without the matched controller. Please telephone me on 1234546789 and I will come and collect it. Thanks again.

Ok any controller will match the drone, but do not want to encourage, more, dishonesty do we. :)

The other reason people loose their drones is trying to fly it back against strong winds. I have flown my in quite strong winds but I try to fly it against the wind on the way out so it comes back quicker and safer.

Remember too that at different heights winds can blow at different strengths and even different directions!

Remember to set your RTH height well above the highest building, mountain, tree etc. Ok you may not intend to anywhere near them but who has not pushed the RTH in panic just to find it comes back from a different direction to what you would expect to see it. I know I have.

This is what I have done for my P3P, still awaiting a price drop on the P4P+

I feel sure there are other settings you can use on the P4P to ensure its return. Want to share them?

Hope this has been of some use to someone.

Great advice but, what happens when your bird suddenly has a malfunction and flies off crashing onto someone's Ferrari or worse hits someone with all your details plastered all over it! Hello Mr unhappy or Law man!

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