Litchi Pano question

Oct 9, 2013
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Phantom 4 Pro.
Some months ago I took several 1 row 8 columns panoramas (only images).
In that case those images were to build a 360° pano so the initial yaw angle (azimut) was not important because all 8 images were taken to stitch.

My case now is different.
I have to take 4 images per level (front, back, left and right)
The first image has to be taken in a position (azimut) I set, for example at front.
In that previous work I noticed the drone (camera) turned to a different azimut to start the mission.

How can I start those 1r / 4c panos in the yaw position I leave the drone before starting the pano?

Thank you.
In the Litchi Hub create a new mission with Heading Mode set to 'Custom(WD)', Finish Action to 'None', Path Mode to 'Straight Lines', and Default Gimbal Pitch Mode to 'Disabled' (see Picture-1).
Place your waypoint (WP1) on the map and adjust the Height and Initial Heading, and set Gimbal Pitch to 'Interpolate' with desired angle.
For Interpolate to work you need 2 waypoints, so create a new waypoint (WP2), set it's Height 1 meter below or above WP1, set the desired gimbal angle and adjust the postion (copy from WP1).
Then for WP2 click on the '+' symbol beneath Actions. (Picture-2)
This will create 1 Action: Stay For 0s
Adjust this to like 10 seconds for the AC to settle.
Then ad 1 Action 'Take Photo'
Then ad 1 Action 'Rotate Aircraft' (add 90° to Initial heading)
Then ad 1 Action 'Take Photo"
Then ad 1 Action 'Rotate Aircraft' (add 90° to Previous heading)
And so on until 4 photos are taken. (Picture-3)

When you want to repeat those 4 photos with another gimbal angle (pitch), create a new waypoint (WP3), set it's Height 1 meter above or below WP2, copy the position from WP1, set the desired gimbal pitch and add the necessary Actions.

In other words: Create a new waypoint for each row.

If the AC would skip a photo, insert a 'Stay For 10s' Action before each photo.
The maximum number of Actions for 1 waypoint is 14.


Picture-2 (Gimbal Pitch should be set to 'Interpolate')


An example mission:
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Thank you for your detailed reply.
This is what I did yesterday (near brute force :)) :
I opened the pano panel, selected 1 row, 4 columns, 1 second delay for stabilization (when low light). Placed the drone at the desired position looking at "front", turn CCW around 45° and started the pano mission. If the first stop was not the desired "front" I stopped the mission and fine tuned the 45° CCW and then started over. At the end changed the drone level to another height, started the mission and so on. Fine tune first camera position was only needed at the first level.
In high altitudes I made 2 "panos", 0° and -15° ( or so, selected in the field )

It seems Pano is created only for panoramas by stitching images but there are other uses like filming in a given angular speed (like Orbit)

In your procedure "...and set Gimbal Pitch to 'Interpolate' with desired angle.". This is needed in case the camera angle varies in each level, is that so?
You create a waypoint for each Row.
Each Row has a different (vertical) camera angle which is achieved by the Interpolate angle.

You can create a mission with waypoint-1 by manual flying in waypoint-mode:
Fly your drone to the desired position, Pan to the desired horizontal beginning angle, pitch the camera to the disered vertical angle.
Then press the C1-button on your RC. This creates a waypoint containing all the above parameters.
Save this mission and edit it in the mission-hub.

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