Is the Inspire 1 still worth getting.

Sep 21, 2018
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Hi all,

I have been offered a DJI Inspire 1 Pro and Inspire 1 RAW for a what seems like a very good price (£350 with 3 batteries and 2 controllers). I was wondering - is this still worth getting. It almost seems like it is equaled or even bettered in some areas by a mini 2 (the other drone I am thinking of getting).

I have taken the test and got my flyer ID - but as far as I can tell I will need to CofC if I want to fly it anywhere but out i the wilds - is that right?

Also - while I have your attention - what is the position on flying durring lock down. Would it count as your daily exersice (I guess lugging an inspire would certainly make that the case).
Hi all,

I have been offered a DJI Inspire 1 Pro and Inspire 1 RAW for a what seems like a very good price (£350 with 3 batteries and 2 controllers). I was wondering - is this still worth getting. It almost seems like it is equaled or even bettered in some areas by a mini 2 (the other drone I am thinking of getting).

I have taken the test and got my flyer ID - but as far as I can tell I will need to CofC if I want to fly it anywhere but out i the wilds - is that right?

Also - while I have your attention - what is the position on flying durring lock down. Would it count as your daily exersice (I guess lugging an inspire would certainly make that the case).

their are no spares for it, no batteries and no support, plus they are massive to cart round.

That said, for £350 once you get bored of it you could still sell it on and make a small profit,

Yes without the CofC you can still fly in the middle of nowhere.

And NO the police will have the right to issue a fine ( not that they are legal in anyway) if you are caught flying as its not exercise, that said find somewhere out of the way and their will be little chance of the filth turning up
a mini 2 (the other drone I am thinking of getting)
These drones aren't even comparable. If you're thinking the Mini 2 might be a good fit for you, then an Inspire is probably not something you want.

FWIW, just the case for my Inspire 1 cost $30 more than a Mini 2.
Hi all

I had a talk with the seller and while it is in excellent condition it has not been flown for 2 years. This tells me the 3 batteries are most likely dead. Given how expensive and how hard they are to get hold of I have decided to pass.

I do realize it seems like a huge gulf between a Mini2 and an inspire... very true. I was just talking to a friend about getting a mini when they told me about this one. I have seen inspires and always lusted after one. However when reality hit I realise it's not for me :).

Thanks for all the advice.
Well I'm sure you made you're purchase by now, but I just wanted to comment on a few things. First off that was a phenomenal price, not sure exactly what the exchange rate is, but I believe £350 is almost $500U.S. Also if the seller kept the batteries inside with a steady climate, away from moisture, and made sure they were at nominal rest level, (3.4v-3.7v per cell) there should be noting wrong with them. In fact if they're intelligent batteries, like the mavic pro has, after several days of not being used, they drop to storage level anyway.

I don't know what you were or are planning on using the drone for, if it is strictly recreational and just as a hobby, you're probably better off with the mini or something in the Mavic line. If you are starting a business, or work on the side, but are on a budget, the Inspire 1 is a perfect choice, with the Zenmuse X5 camera and 3-axis gimbal, you can change lenses on, and a built in filter module, Unlike a lot of the newer DJI's you can adjust aperture and shutter speed on the fly, shoots a respectable 4k at 30fps and 2k and 1080 at 60fps, and my favorite feature DJI quit doing is the radio has an HDMI out, which will stream live to any monitor at 720p. Lastly, I have heard a lot of pilots that prefer the Inspire 1 over the 2, mostly because how much they changed up the body and design with the 2, most say the 1 is almost bullet proof, and way more stable and flies better. I'm keeping an eye out for a used one, but I'm not speaking from personal experience, just some things to think about if anybody stumbles on this thread. Happy Flying!

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