Free online DJI flight log viewer

Many of the raw numbers make no sense. I'd rather get rid of them and replace them with values that can actually be used as-is.

I believe each data category has it's own set of terms for what the number description represent. In my overall opinion, I think the .raw category is great to have if you have the description of what each number represents. The text for the numbers appear sometimes in place in what I call the common category column. (Example; flycState= common category and flycState.raw= raw category.) To better explain what I'm referring to, I pasted a copy of the OSD.flycState.raw descriptions below. This info can be found on @BudWalker website here: .CSV Column Descriptions Btw, he has done a awesome job gathering the info.

Manual(0), Atti(1), Atti_CL(2), Atti_Hover(3), Hover(4), GPS_Blake(5), GPS_Atti(6), GPS_CL(7), GPS_HomeLock(8), GPS_HotPoint(9), AssitedTakeoff(10), AutoTakeoff(11), AutoLanding(12), AttiLangding(13), NaviGo(14), GoHome(15), ClickGo(16), Joystick(17), Atti_Limited(23), GPS_Atti_Limited(24), OTHER(100)
Right, I could see the raw flycState value being used somewhere. I was referring to values like the throttle -- which has a raw range of 364 to 1684. That range is cryptic and it seems like it would be more useful to show something like -100% to 100%.
Right, I could see the raw flycState value being used somewhere. I was referring to values like the throttle -- which has a raw range of 364 to 1684. That range is cryptic and it seems like it would be more useful to show something like -100% to 100%.

Yeah but I think you are on a different subject then from what we are referring to. The raw categories......which only shows value fields of 0-100. In other words those columns only show a number of 0-100. In most cases the text appears already in the common file column. Plus more then likely only you and I and maybe a few others would even pay any attention to that info.
The following comments are general but still relevant to the discussion. I'll try to keep it brief

Effective visual display of quantitative information can be as much of an art as a science. In fact, effective quantitative displays are art - as can be seen by Minard's graphic depicting Napoleon's retreat from Moscow in 1812.


A great discussion of this graphic and why it works can be found in Tufte's "Visual Display of Quantitative Information" (go figure). VDQI also has lots to teach about the dos and do nots of effective data graphics and should be handy to anyone putting together or critiquing data intensive user interfaces.
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I send DJI GO and Litchi logs to HealthyDrones. I tried to test how PhantomHelp's LogViewer reports them.

So I downloaded a .csv from HealthyDrones and uploaded that to PhantomHelp's LogViewer.

But I got only a blank sheet. Is the .csv I uploaded compatible because it is not straight from Litchi?
Is the .csv I uploaded compatible because it is not straight from Litchi?
No -- my log viewer cannot read CSV files from Healthy Drones.
I send DJI GO and Litchi logs to HealthyDrones. I tried to test how PhantomHelp's LogViewer reports them.

So I downloaded a .csv from HealthyDrones and uploaded that to PhantomHelp's LogViewer.

But I got only a blank sheet. Is the .csv I uploaded compatible because it is not straight from Litchi?
Why would you want to run either a DJI Go App .txt file or a Litch .csv through HealthyDrones before submitting it to PhantomHelp's LogViewer? Why not submit either of those files directly to PhantomHelp's LogViewer?
Why would you want to run either a DJI Go App .txt file or a Litch .csv through HealthyDrones before submitting it to PhantomHelp's LogViewer? Why not submit either of those files directly to PhantomHelp's LogViewer?

Because it was to easiest way to quickly grab a .csv file for the test. I wasn't aware that those .csv files differ.

I'll try a fresh file from the source next time.
Tested on several logs and cant see any data
The format of your logs is different than most other TXT logs. I'm not sure why and I haven't been able to decipher the log data yet.
Thanks for providing this service. Very much appreciated.
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Please explain this more in detail.
Charts man, Charts! Pie charts, bar charts, scatter plots, 3D line charts ... Charts man!
A picture CAN be worth much more than a thousand words!

Note: If using DJI GO, you can only upload logs that were created with DJI GO 2.8.3 (or earlier). Logs created in newer versions of DJI GO are encrypted and cannot be processed by this log viewer.

Hello, So your Phantom Log Viewer is done?
Can Healthy Drones use the encrypted files?
If so, are they making some kind of payment to DJI?


Please update us, or send me a PM.

your Phantom Log Viewer is done?
For now, it can still be used for Litchi logs or older DJI GO logs. I'm still working on it and hope to get it fixed when I have more free time to commit to it. It's a complicated issue.

Can Healthy Drones use the encrypted files?

are they making some kind of payment to DJI?
No. DJI told me they have not authorized and/or helped Healthy Drones. So, I suspect Healthy Drones will break again at some point. A few people have reached out to @EranSteiner (the creator of Healthy Drones), but he has decided to ignore us for some reason.
For now, it can still be used for Litchi logs or older DJI GO logs. I'm still working on it and hope to get it fixed when I have more free time to commit to it. It's a complicated issue.


No. DJI told me they have not authorized and/or helped Healthy Drones. So, I suspect Healthy Drones will break again at some point. A few people have reached out to @EranSteiner (the creator of Healthy Drones), but he has decided to ignore us for some reason.


I just updated my log viewer to allow the TXT flight logs from the current version of DJI GO to be viewed. This was made possible thanks to the many long hours of hard work put in by @BudWalker, @ferraript, and @TecHunter.

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