Best Use of Phantom 4

Sep 12, 2022
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United States
Hey everyone, again I'm still not used to the forum regulations yet. Hope I'm posting this in the right place. So, I wanted to know what you guys use the Phantom 4 to shoot? I mean I usually do travel video and a little bit of landscapes here and there? What do you guys feel like the best use of Phantom 4 would be? What do you use it for?
Purely recreation for me. I take it with me when on holiday or think of interesting places to fly within a reasonable driving distance of home - usually where there's water. If the footage is okay, I'll edit it to two or three minutes, add a sound track and then post the finished clip to YouTube. I fly at beaches, reservoirs, waterfalls or anywhere that's scenic. The hobby works for me because of the variety of skills it utilises, technical and creative. Plus I get to share the finished result with others.
The drone is bulky - a pain to travel with, and noisy - there's nothing stealthy about it. So it's no good if you need to travel light or fly unnoticed.
I use my Phantom 4 v2 mostly in high wind scenarios or when I'm in an area where all obstacle avoidance sensors are needed.
Good for every photo or video worth to take it. For impressive places or objects to be taken from an interesting or unusual angle which would be otherwise impossible to get.
It's true that it might be impractical to take it on hiking or similar. But I have it always in my car when I'm going somewhere.
I use my Phantom 4 v2 mostly in high wind scenarios or when I'm in an area where all obstacle avoidance sensors are needed.
Yes, good for high wind, with some cautions:

1. The drone is vulnerable to tipping at launch and even more so at landing. Shielding is the best solution. Otherwise, you can hand launch & catch - but wind can make that tricky, too.
2. The gimbal is exposed on the P4 and will vibrate in high winds and eventually fail. I've experienced the most vibration while flying backwards, sideways and in vertical descent. Forward flight seems to be most stable. Gimbal failure (tipping) occurs with lateral pressure - flying sideways into high wind will almost guarantee a failure.
3. The windier it is, the more likely your props become visible in frame. Slow down to alleviate, lower your camera angle or fly backwards.
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From 15mph to ... ?
There will be a wind-speed where the drone can no longer stay in the air, but long before that the limiting factors are being able to take off and land without crashing and, of course, return to home. Plus you get the gimbal vibration and failure.

I once launched in a sheltered area, and then after ascending above a ridge, found myself losing ground. I switched to Sports mode and was still being pushed backwards - so presumably a wind speed greater than 72 km/hr. The drone still flew, just not in one particular direction!
Hey everyone, again I'm still not used to the forum regulations yet. Hope I'm posting this in the right place. So, I wanted to know what you guys use the Phantom 4 to shoot? I mean I usually do travel video and a little bit of landscapes here and there? What do you guys feel like the best use of Phantom 4 would be? What do you use it for?
The Phantom 4 pro takes great video and stills. It’s a bit noisy and cumbersome, I prefer the Mavic 2 pro for these things. The Mavic flies like champ in high winds and is very portable. Both these drones have the 1” sensor which is important to many clients. I have used both drones professionally, but no longer have the Phantom.
It was just a few days ago when I was filming one picturesque mountain and the wind was pretty strong.
I usually test my Phantom in such situations. After a take off I put it hoovering for a while to see how it behaves.
If no problems with maintaining the position then I try to fly into the wind and if it managed at least 7m/s then I go up but with always in mind that the higher it goes the stronger the wind will be. Sometimes I switch into ATTI mode to see the actual speed of the wind. Usually, the picture stabilization at Phantom works excellently so whatever the wind that enables flying is it is not seen on the video. But of course, generally, I do not like such weather because too much of your attention goes to the flying and less to the filming.
Maybe I'll put on this video when it is done.

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