Flying over whitewater

Very nice shots. I especially like the slow pan of the camera. I can't get mine to do a slow pan, did you make any adjustments in the controls, or is it just practice?
Gordo said:
I can't get mine to do a slow pan, did you make any adjustments in the controls, or is it just practice?

I have not made any adjustments but I am planning to do so for just that reason. The panning is difficult to do slow enough for smooth video. I have made an effort to move the stick just enough to begin rotation.
Here is my latest set of floats for the Phantom. Pill bottles under each motor and 1" thick styrofoam blocks attached to the landing struts. These are not really intended for landing and taking off from water but just to keep the quad from completely sinking. The bottles are small enough that they don't show up in the camera's view and they are easily removed when not flying over water. The bottles weigh 14g. each and the 2 foam blocks total 12g. Peviously I had used water bottles but they were visible in the video and were affected somewhat by wind and prop wash.

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