El Muyo is a small and charming village located in the province of Segovia, within the autonomous community of Castilla y León, Spain. This picturesque village is part of the Sierra de Ayllón region, a mountainous region known for its natural beauty and scenic landscapes. With just 10 inhabitants (INE 2022), El Muyo stands out for its special charm and distinctive character.
El Muyo is one of the most characteristic villages of the "Pueblos Negros" of the province of Segovia, so called because of the predominant use of slate as the main material in their constructions, which gives them a dark color and a unique aesthetic. This group of towns is located in the Sierra de Ayllón, next to the so-called "Pueblos Rojos" (Red Villages). The resurgence of El Muyo is largely due to the restoration of its houses, attracting a public seeking tranquility, nature and places away from large population centers.
Strolling through El Muyo is like taking a leap back in time, since not all of its streets are asphalted. The belfry of the church, dedicated to the martyrs San Cornelio and San Cipriano, stands out above the first floor houses. Inside the church, the altarpiece dedicated to the martyrs, recently restored, is an outstanding piece of local heritage.