DSLRPros - Phantom Watersafe Upgrade

Its been discussed. I think the issue was more along the lines of warranty and guarantee. should you end up in the drink and your phantom doesn't work again, who is at fault. You paid for your phantom to be water safe but alas it was not. Now what? Plus, what about your gimbal, gopro, fpv, ground station, etc that you have connected to your phantom? Will they be able to be water safe sprayed as well? If so, how much. If not, why bother doing just the phantom.
A lot of the guys on the fixed wing forums who fly off of water soak all of their electronics, ESCs, servos, receivers etc.... in a product called CorrosionX. They literally dunk them in the stuff over night and then take them out and let them dry. Many pilots on the water flying forums I frequent have given testament to putting a plane in the drink, pulling it out, drying it off and flying it the same afternoon.

I haven't personally tried CorrosionX but must admit I have thought about it. My approach so has been to just focus on keeping the shinny side above the water but you luck seems to run out at some point! I can see the benefit of a product like this if it actually works but I would need some serious independent testing results before I trusted my investment to it.
the company DSLRpros uses is Liqupel. I contacted them directly for a quote on a P2. They then re-directed me to go through DSLRpros. Supposedly they have to dismantle the P2, send it in for treatment, and ship it back to your assembled. They don't have an estimated cost yet for this "update" but will get back in touch with me. I'll update as soon as i hear something.

That process is also sold to waterproof iPhones. Saw some near videos on it a while back.

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