time lapse

  1. Friday @ 5 on S. Churton St. - Hillsborough, NC

    Friday @ 5 on S. Churton St. - Hillsborough, NC

    Congestion as usual in this hyperlapse view of everybodies favorite downtown street.
  2. Hyperlapse Night Flight Over I-85 & University Dr. - Burlington, NC

    Hyperlapse Night Flight Over I-85 & University Dr. - Burlington, NC

    Time lapse evening view of this busy intersection in Alamance County.
  3. Green Phantom

    EDINBURGH Day of Time Lapses / GoPro Time!

    Just got back from a trip to Edinburgh. What do you think? comments and suggestions welcome.
  4. OOO

    Transient by Dustin Farrell

    Hi guys, Today I saw this video. These incredible time lapse videos were shot by Dustin Farrell. I can't find a word to describe it. You should watch it yourself.
  5. Green Phantom

    Timelapse Tilt Shift of New York City

    This is my very first attempt at a Time lapse video where i added the Title Shift effect. What do you all think? feel i would like to do a load and make a compilation of various scenes would be cool.
  6. S

    waypoint mode gives error, but I need to fly slowly for hyperlapse

    Sorry for the length; I have a new phantom 4 pro and I am having a couple altitude specific problems with the the intelligent modes, it seems to be due to some kind of a discrepancy in altitude. I am trying to create hyperlapse footage (moving time lapse) I was planning to use the waypoint mode...
  7. We Talk UAV

    Dronelapse Photography: Why Editing matters

    There is an art to editing and an art to aerial drone video production. Anyone who gets serious about this will tell you that point. For me, anything I can soak up about how to get a better quality shot I am all for. Which brings us to the latest: Drone Lapse photography. Really, drone lapse...
  8. opsciboy

    POI Photo Interval

    How do I invoke automated camera pics at 5 second intervals during a POI orbit? Thanks in Advance!
  9. Patrick Pedersen

    Little planet, panorama, and time lapse features, where is it??

    Hi all :-D I'm a totally newbie here and at drone flying, I bought my very first drone, a Phantom 3 4K Professional for about 3 weeks ago now. Immediately I was so surprised how easy it was to fly and maneuver, to take off and to land. I've been working as a professional photographer the last...
  10. S

    TimeLapse..What am i doing wrong?

    Today i tried for the first time the "Time Lapse" feature with my p3a.I had it just sitting on the ground.20" between pictures.The result is below and my question is why the picture seems to move?It seems that the camera is not still....any thoughts?
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