
  1. G

    :) Introduction from Michigan USA ( but German citizen lol )

    Hello Team , watch out for spelling errors :) I am Frank , born in the US and grew up in Germany. I have High functioning Asperger syndrome. I am a forensic specialist for data recovery on physically damaged devices. That includes broken micro SD cards , water damaged phones , camera ...
  2. BGiroux95

    Hello From SE Michigan

    Hi Everyone, Currently I am looking into buying a P4P, either from Craigslist, this forum, or possibly brand new. The only drone I’ve had before is a Syma X5C which is a blast to learn flying skills with, but lacks the range and photo quality that I am after. As a GIS Analyst, drones and...
  3. Kara Murphy

    Snow photos

    A few photos I took in 13-degree to 20-degree F temps. Also, anyone going to DJI Aerial Photo Academy. I'm heading to Detroit on the 22nd.
  4. victorymike

    2017 10-6 Huron Mountain View Trail and Fall Colors

    I discovered a new trail while driving 550 to the AAA, going to Pinnacle Falls. It was a short trail to a rocky bluff with a nice view of Big Bay, Lake Independence and Lake Superior. The Fall colors were vibrant...I'd call them "peak".
  5. L

    New drone vid check it out

  6. A


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    Michigan Stadium - 4k

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  10. A

    College football stadium with GRAY turf!!

  11. A

    Wind Farm in Michigan - 4K

  12. victorymike

    AuTrain Beach 3-29-17

    Very decent 8 minute flight (video is around 3:17)...glitch free for 15,525 feet. Video was perfect and controls glitch free. I updated the drone, controller and batteries a few months ago and had lost confidence in it until recently. Spring is doing it best to thaw us out here in Michigan's...
  13. tyknows

    Drone Marriage Proposal

    While my fiancé is excited she just got engaged and has a shiny ring, I'm excited I was able to pull off capturing it all with my Phantom 3 Pro :) Here is a 2.5 minute cut: I was able to make her think I had to shoot some aerial footage (for video production I do with a nature conservancy in...
  14. B

    Found Crashed Drone Livonia, MI

    One of my employees found a crashed drone in Livonia, MI. No owner name on it, and can't find anywhere to look up a serial number. Was a week or so ago. Have this listed on craigslist as well to find the owner. Thanks!
  15. M

    More restrictions

    This is in Western Michigan. Usually they are pretty hands off, but a few people have complained and of course here we go. Ottawa County parks system looks at rules on drones, hammocks
  16. Jonathan Huff

    Michigan Pilots! ~ Port Huron to St Clair Shores area~

    I'm Jonathan and just started an aerial photography company! Just curious to see how many other pilots are around. It could be fun to fly with someone who understands our quad induced addiction! I also just put up a YouTube channel, Let me know what you think Jonathan Huff
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