Yesterday I was mostly kept from shooting by a snowstorm. I watched the weather radar all day, hoping to get a flight or two in before the weather goes south of -5 C for a couple weeks and I don't want to take my baby out anymore. Fortunately there was a break in the weather, so I headed to a...
Opening shot is a -1:1 reverse shot, to keep props out of my view as I hit 82 kph. This is the only speed editing done in these shots. Fairly haphazardly cut down and thrown into sequence. No real narrative. Sorry I haven't taken more time to edit yet.
This was mostly a training exercise...
Drone Fair comes to Calgary June 19, 2016. For drone enthusiasts and commercial operators who are interested in attending, is giving away a free pair of tickets. Entry is open to all.
For Rules and entry, visit [Calgary, AB, Canada] Drone Fair Calgary, June 19, 2016 | Drone...