Apologies if this has appeared elsewhere, I haven't found it on the forums......
This document is designed to support Police Force policies for the prosecution and recording of incidents involving 'drones'.
An essential read, document attached!
Any thoughts?
Feel free to share them!
After months of waiting for my Mavic on the MavicPilots site and now cancelling my order with Jessops UK, I have got my hands on a P4P and wanted to say hello to everyone on here!
This is what I got up to with my old P3P (before a faulty battery killing it a month later!):
Please do let me...
I've got a fair bit of travel planned in the next year, all with British Airways, starting in December, and I'm trying to find out about travel restrictions and taking the drone with.
From what I gather from the BA website, there are certain restrictions on batteries that if I comply with, I...
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