Recent content by Fredcrn

  1. F

    Drone survives epic crash - have others had this good fortune?

    Perfect example of Murphy's Law and what I like to call the Law of Proximity! Glad your drone survived.
  2. F

    Crashed my Phantom 3 Pro

    Well, I finally have completed the repairs to my Phantom 3 Pro and she's flying like new. Just got some Fat Sharks and can't wait to try them out. Thanks for the feedback and help guys.
  3. F

    Crashed my Phantom 3 Pro

    Thanks for the reply.
  4. F

    Crashed my Phantom 3 Pro

    Thanks again. It appears I had a 50-50 chance and blew it. lol Have black dot CW on order. Hope to be flying soon. I noticed the arrow on the drone is CW while the arrow on the prop is CCW. Leads me to believe the motor I need is CW.
  5. F

    Crashed my Phantom 3 Pro

    Thanks for the reply. I noticed the little arrows on the body of the drone. I'm assuming they indicate the rotation of the motor and not the arrows on the props?
  6. F

    Crashed my Phantom 3 Pro

    Ordered replacement parts and now I'm confused. Does the motor with the black tip spin CW? Thanks in advance.
  7. F

    Catastrophic crash

    Thanks for the responses. I ordered a bunch of stuff to repair it and was all set to get started when I noticed the replacement motor didn't match the OEMs. Have returned it and ordered another (after closely looking at the illustration) and now have to wait another couple of weeks. ;(
  8. F

    Catastrophic crash

    I hate that this is my first post here! Was taking my drone for a short flight in the yard beside the house and got a little over-confident. Flew into a small tree and drone landed upside down on a stone paved driveway. It wouldn't shut down!!!! I was able to pick it up while I tried desperately...