Zenmuse Gimbal Problems

Jun 10, 2013
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If you guys are thinking about buying the zenmuse gimbal, think twice. Maybe there is something wrong with the firmware or hardware; either way, it's not a safe gadget to fly.

So I installed it Sunday morning and everything was working great! I was super excited about using it for my wedding shoot that afternoon. Before the wedding, I got some awesome scenery shots, until it went rogue :/. The gimbal just went limp and pointed upwards in the middle of my FPV flight. My brother kept an eye on the quadcopter and helped me guide the Phantom back to safety... *few*. I put it away and focused on the wedding shoot.

Next Day

I opened up the Phantom to see if there was any error in my installation. I watched two tutorial videos online just to make sure I installed the gimbal correctly; I did. I put the Phantom back together and took it out for a test flight. It was great for about four minutes minutes until it went limp, again! Because I was wearing the FPV Fatshark Attitudes, I was a bit disoriented but was familiar with the location. I took off my goggles and safely landed it.


Later that Night

I took off the gimbal and the fpv system because I didn't trust my Phantom. However, I left the gimbal's extra hardware in tact. I flew the machine and I had no control whatsoever! I put it in GPS and Attitude mode and it was not obeying any of my commands :/ I was freaked out and called my wife and brother to keep an eye on the quadcopter. It flew about 100 yards from my location unti I put it in failsafe mode and luckily the quadcopter landed back home. *few*

Ever since I installed the system, I have had a lot problems. It is likely that I received a defective gimbal, but I have read a few other reports of people experiencing similar issues with their gimbal. I will not recommend this product until DJI fixes these major glitches.
Early adopters are usually the ones to find most bugs, there could be an issue with the hardware, software or your install its very hard to tell by your bit of info. I suspect you have no clue what is wrong other then issues started once you took apart the phantom and installed the gimbal.

Unfortunately nothing is perfect even though we wish it would be and there will always be some faulty devices no matter what it is. The results I have seen from the gimbal will make me buy one anyway even if there is the odd person with an issue, yours do sound odd and I suspect its something more likely with the install or PMU then the gimbal itself if its still causing issues even without the gimbal installed.

Make sure to update your issue once you get a solution or replacement or even find out what is causing your troubles.
What firmware do you have installed? Makes me wonder if that is why they rushed out the .14 version. Hopefully your issue is isolated or fixed with firmware.

I just installed my gimbal and have been exceedingly impressed with the video quality. Then again mine has not started screeching or belching smoke ;)

Sorry to hear your problems. I have two of these Go Pro Zen's ( 1 on Phantom & 1 on Tarot 680) and have not had not one issue. I have flown for hours with no problems. Sounds like a software issue.

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