What would you do

I can't see the guy throwing it just whatever it was that was thrown .
Am I missing him ?
This is on his original thread post. "you can see the guy in the footage as the P3A is crashing. He has a green tumbler.
I caught up with him and he tried denying it"

I took this as if he saw the guy doing it in the video.
This is on his original thread post. "you can see the guy in the footage as the P3A is crashing. He has a green tumbler.
I caught up with him and he tried denying it"

I took this as if he saw the guy doing it in the video.
OK..I read what he said and have looked at the video a bunch .I just can't see anyone throwing that .
Something did and he might have saw it but I don't see it in that clip . Don't get me wrong as I'm not doubting ...
I just don't see anyone throwing it . Looks like it comes from the side .
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Yeah, unless there's video proof of him throwing it was on the video or you can get a witness, (or he confesses, good luck) it's your word against his. Might be tough.

Could turn out the be a lesson in where not to fly from the school of hard knocks on this one.
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I'm with everyone else I can't see him . You are a little close for my liking to the people but hey to each there own . Just some advice slow down your way to heavy on the sticks for recording slow smooth movements . For the most part everyone seemed cool waving and smiling so that was nice to see only for the one that took you out .
We can probably go ahead and close this thread. The OP obviously gets the point and doesn't seem interested in responding.
Thanks 750..thought I was just not seeing him .
That video looks to me like he was watching the bird and not the screen the way it jumps around and maybe He saw who threw
it and that person is in the video .
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We can probably go ahead and close this thread. The OP obviously gets the point and doesn't seem interested in responding.
blank stare.png
..OK ,
Ain't gonna work but I'll do it ..
Topic locked.jpg

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Couple of thoughts:

How about this for super-sleuthing? I figured out you were flying at "Olcot Beach Carousel Park". I checked the B4UFLY app and according to it you were clear to fly there so that's a good thing.
However, flying over members of the public like you did will be frowned upon in court. You were VERY low over the people.

If the guy wont pay for damages, I would would buy a new shell (comes with the landing gear) for $60, spend the afternoon moving everything to the new shell, learn a good lesson and move on with my life.
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Couple of thoughts:

How about this for super-sleuthing? I figured out you were flying at "Olcot Beach Carousel Park". I checked the B4UFLY app and according to it you were clear to fly there so that's a good thing.
However, flying over members of the public like you did will be frowned upon in court. You were VERY low over the people.

If the guy wont pay for damages, I would would buy a new shell (comes with the landing gear) for $60, spend the afternoon moving everything to the new shell, learn a good lesson and move on with my life.
Super sleuthing? I posted the location above! :D I have been there many times. There was this cool biker bar called "The Open Air Bar" there near the carousel. It was a small shack like building with stools around the outside. It had flip up windows like a food truck. We used to ride there, have a cold beer on a Sunday afternoon. They hold a big car show there every year also. Good times.

It appears to be this group, and you see the green cup in the second photo...

Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 7.15.11 PM✨.png Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 7.13.03 PM✨.png
Yeah, I see that now (location stated above). I honestly didn't see it before!!
Anyway, in the clear to fly there, just not a great idea over people.
To the OP..

If you are happy to waste a few days - going to the police station - writing a letter - suing him - attending the small claims court - waiting - feeling depressed and anxious and losing sleep... Ask yourself, how much is your time worth?

Fix it and move on.
Hey Guys,
I was traveling for work so i didn't check in on this post . I have witnesses that saw him throw something at the P3A. When i apprroached him after this happened he admitted to doing it and let me photograph his licence and told me he would pay me. Now he seems to be playing games and testing me . I have decided that i will give him one more opportunity to do the right thing and then i will take him to court , i am not worried about the money its just the point.As for the concerns about flying over people , i agree there could be safety concenrs related to this. I do not expect it to come up in court because it would be his defence that would highlight this as "my client was trying to knock it out of the sky over a crowd of people to make the area safe" I am considering re-evaluating the finacial loss so that this will go to a regular court and not small claims.

To the OP - So you are going after more than $5k? On what grounds? emotional damage? Punitive damages? I hope you are a lawyer/attorney, cause I can't imagine any attorney taking this case. Its going to cost more than its worth. Its a weak case with the evidence you claim to have unless the perp actually confessed to the "crime" and you have that confession on video or in writing. And witnesses. Did you get their information? Name and address? And you think a jury is going to side with a "Drone" pilot in this anti-drone climate? Good Luck with that.

And be prepared for the consequences of your actions. While you may have been in a "flyable" area, you violated the FAA guideline regarding flying over/near people. Your own video can be used against you. And this guy doesn't have to hire an attorney to get you in trouble, he just needs to turn it over to authorities who are responsible for enforcing these FAA rules. Or worse yet, he could turn it over to the media to show how you endangered people by CLEARLY violating the FAA guidelines, and how your "Drone" could have injured people when it crashed regardless how it came down.

I initially felt for you. Now, I think you're just another one of those asshats that clog the court with frivolous lawsuits...

Learn to pick your battles...

What does this mean?
Interesting thread. Regardless of how you were flying he had no right to destroy your property. So, to me the how of you flying are not really relevant to your OP.

That being said, I don't know how you would get a new quad from the courts. Small claims, in my experience, is all about compromise and there is no way you have 5K of damage - even if it was an Inspire he knocked out of the sky.

I understand the emotion. I would be pi$$ed too but I dont believe you will be able to assing a dollar value to it.

I cant really tell you what you should do but this is what i would do. I would buy the shell and do the repair, keep all the reciepts and then go back to the guy and ask him to cover the costs. If he doesn't I would then send him a registered letter informing him of the cost of the repair and my intent to take him to small claims if he doesnt reimburse in 30 days. If he still doesn't pay I would then go to small claims.

This way you look reasonable to both the guy and to the arbiter in small claims and will probably get you a better chance of coverig your loss.

Whatever happens -good luck!
And be prepared for the consequences of your actions. While you may have been in a "flyable" area, you violated the FAA guideline regarding flying over/near people. Your own video can be used against you. And this guy doesn't have to hire an attorney to get you in trouble, he just needs to turn it over to authorities who are responsible for enforcing these FAA rules. Or worse yet, he could turn it over to the media to show how you endangered people by CLEARLY violating the FAA guidelines, and how your "Drone" could have injured people when it crashed regardless how it came down.

I'm with you 100% on the points in your post. But the above is something I have wondered about.

The FAA has guidelines. By definition, they are not rules. There is no defined procedure for enforcement. There is no defined punishment. Sure, you agreed to follow those guidelines when you (if you) registered. As far as I can tell, there is absolutely nothing they can do if you violate those guidelines. There is not even a legal justification to revoke your registration.

Any law has a clear definition and punishment. For example, if you fail to register your UAV, the FAA can impose a fine of up to $x. The guidelines have no such penalties.

I absolutely believe that the locals can do something if they want. Reckless endangerment or something along those lines. They can also use the FAA guidelines to bolster their case. However, I don't see any way to "charge" someone for violating one of the guidelines.

I'm not disagreeing with you. Just thinking "out loud" about the penalties for not following the guidelines. (I am not advocating one ignore the guidelines).

...and of course you are right that the potential for media backlash is high.

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