What is your C1 and C2 settings?

C1- Camera down
C2- Narrow sensing
When flying in confined space
C1- Camera down
C2- Narrow sensing

Outdoor shooting
C1: Camera Forward/Down
C2: Toggle map/live
How good is the narrow sensing when flying through tight spots? I have not tried it for some reason. And is this in P mode btw? I usually turn OA off when flying something that I can look at and visualize how tight it really is. Because OA jacks with your speed too much as going into the spot.
How good is the narrow sensing when flying through tight spots? I have not tried it for some reason. And is this in P mode btw? I usually turn OA off when flying something that I can look at and visualize how tight it really is. Because OA jacks with your speed too much as going into the spot.

Play with it and see how you feel, IMO its best suited for tripod mode.
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C1: Camera Forward/Down
C2: Narrow Sensing

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