What firmware are you using ?

Mar 20, 2014
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Western NY
Just wondering what firmware people are using to fly.
Not sure what the latest firmware does to the P2. Is that the auto return for low battery ?
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phantom vision 2 here with GA firmware whatever it shipped with. I haven't even hooked the thing to a PC to goof with it yet. I read about all the firmware issues (p3 mostly it looked like) and decided to stay with whatever version it shipped with - hopefully a stable version :)
I'm still using assistant software v3.6 for the simple reason their making to many errors trying to be politicly correct. It all started with pulling the battery firmware update v2.6 and not replacing it. Then they pulled the flight controller firmware because of errors and replaced that with the with present assistant software v3.8 no I trust the latest NO.
Assistant 3.2, f/w rev 3.06
Hmmmm :cool: Well this is what happens when ya get in a hurry and buy a phantom without researching first, (me a 2 month rookie pilot) and then ya find out things are screwy with the software. :eek: How's a guy suppose to know all this stuff until joining and then reading the forums on what you should do and not do. I think mine came with 3.6 and not knowing any better I'm at 3.8 now. And from what I have read there is NOWAY to go back is there short of installing a new Nazda? Live and learn I guess. o_O Good question and thread jmcu

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I'm on 3.8. Haven't read of, or experienced any, issues with it. No plan to change. All the issues on the forum with FW have been with the P3.
The latest for the P2 (3.12) just added a no fly zone for DC, not sure if the UK issue had happened yet and was included.
Assistant 1.8 :D
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Assistant 3.8, f/w 3.08

mine is brand new and I love it. the more I read, the more I think I will no longer update. don't want DJI controlling what my quad will do...
No one is having any issues with 3.8, that's good to hear.
I am still running Software 3.0. and was thinking of updating. I stopped updating a while ago because every update made it worse.
After reading all the problems I decided what was in it was working fine enough.

Phantom 2 Assistant Software 3.8 = Firmware 3.14
Phantom 2 Assistant Software 3.6 = Firmware 3.08

http://droneslinger.com/software.html has all the old software

Thanks for the change pdf link Jason

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