What am I doing wrong?

Jul 18, 2014
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How do you guys get this amazing crisp quality with your video’s? Also on Youtube you see great footage.
I have a P2 with 3D and Gopro Silver + and I am not getting that quality at all. I wouldn’t say Iphone quality but just a bit better.

What am I missing here? I know it’s not the black but saw some great Silver+ footage on YT also.

Does the magic happen with post editing? First try with GoPro Studio and Imovie yesterday and I just could not get a better quality.

The photo’s are great do (with some color corrections). See one example below (not the original size).


  • foto.JPG
    303.2 KB · Views: 779
Don't have the sliver but I think you can shoot higher the 1080..I film @ 2.7 K and then crop after to get rid of the blades. my problem in Ireland is normally poor quality light but at the moment we're having a heat wave and the quality of my video is much better with the summer sunshine.
Also try shoot @ 25 frames (PAL)
Don't set the WB to auto, in good weather try 5500
use protune as you mentioned colour correction your video will benefit, might look flat at first but experiment
No 2,7K on the silver....an no 25 frames either.

It's not that is a little bit of with what I see on YT, it's way off. And the pictures are not, pretty weird. So video is a bit of a letdown. I hope I cab work it out with post processing.
Sorry...i have no real help for you. But i can tell you I am getting great video out of my H3 white. Youtube does dull it down a bit....but the raw video is amazing. It has to be a setting for you.
Have you enabled ProTune on the GoPro?


Protune enables you to get much higher quality throughout your post-production workflow. Basically, the main purpose of the ProTune software update is to help you get more dynamic images from your camera than you are currently getting today. We really wanted to meet requests from members of our professional community.
PhantomHost said:
No 2,7K on the silver....an no 25 frames either.

It's not that is a little bit of with what I see on YT, it's way off. And the pictures are not, pretty weird. So video is a bit of a letdown. I hope I cab work it out with post processing.

Post processing is never the answer. You need to start with good video and hope some post processing will make it pop! I recommend going through all the settings on your camera. Sometimes a setting gets changed and you didn't notice. I also recommend making sure you understand ALL your camera settings. Don't assume just because you may not know what white balance is that it isn't important for example. The devil is in the details. I doubt2.7 or 25 fps is your problem. It's more likely in the white balance or Asa or using auto settings rather than setting them manually or you have a defective GoPro.
ProTune has been dropped from the HD3+silver :-(. I think my settings are OK but I will go threw them again this weekend.

If it can take good pictures it should be able to shoot good looking video. I will shoot new footage this weekend and will post some here (YT link).
I posted a short example on YouTube for you the watch. Is this the quality you guys are getting on average? (select 1080p off course)

It was a cloudy day, so light was not optimal. I mean it's OK, but I do not see the great HD.

Shot in 1080/60. Used GoPro Studio for post processing. Just added a little color and some sharpness and contrast. Not too much.

PhantomHost said:
ProTune has been dropped from the HD3+silver :-(. I think my settings are OK but I will go threw them again this weekend.

If it can take good pictures it should be able to shoot good looking video. I will shoot new footage this weekend and will post some here (YT link).

I shot this with the P2 + GoPro Silver and the H3-2D (I have the Hero Black and the H3-3D now).

Shot at 1080 / 30fps and processed in Final Cut Pro X.


While this was done in FCPX, I have put together a LOT of videos using iMovie. After you import your clips in iMovie, one of the first adjustments I do is the exposure. Doesn't require much. Just a click or two to bring it down a bit. Also the saturation to bring out some of the color in your shots. There are some other adjustments but start with those and you'll see a world of difference.


Here's one I did in iMovie. Not very colorful since it's the dead of winter, but I don't think it's too bad...
Very nice movies! This is indeed the quality I am looking for. Love the cemetery shots, well done.

Good news this was shot with the Silver+. So she has it in her! :)

Do you always shoot at 30 fps instead of 60fps? For a specific reason?

Is Post Pro is better with Imovie instead of GoPro Studio? Just import the raw file?

Were these clips shot in medium or wide? Must have been some easy flying because I don't see any props. Or did you crop?

Thank you for the tips.
The settings make a big difference but be sure your Gopro is not defective. They can develop what is known as 'soft focus', usually in one area, and if it is less than a year old they will replace it for free. Happened to mine. An area near the left side was blurry. Swapped it out no problem. When you have good light shoot some stills of something with crisp lines like a fence or corporate sign where you can see if the focus is crisp over the entire image. Good luck sorting it out.
The Gopro is a week old...

But the photo's I shoot with this device are crisp and sharp. Not 2000 dollar SLR sharp, but as sharp as to be expected.

I will shoot some, off phantom, videos the coming days in hopefully better light. See what happens.
PhantomHost said:
Very nice movies! This is indeed the quality I am looking for. Love the cemetery shots, well done.

Good news this was shot with the Silver+. So she has it in her! :)

Do you always shoot at 30 fps instead of 60fps? For a specific reason?

Is Post Pro is better with Imovie instead of GoPro Studio? Just import the raw file?

Were these clips shot in medium or wide? Must have been some easy flying because I don't see any props. Or did you crop?

Thank you for the tips.

I have yet to shoot at 60fps. I wish I had shot that Ocean Grove video at 60fps because you can see that some shots are choppy (the ones that I slowed down).

iMovie vs. GoPro - I dunno. I just never used GoPro Studio very long. I just got used to iMovie to do what I wanted it to do, I never found a reason to use GPS. I have been using Final Cut Pro X to force myself to learn it. It's not that bad a transition, going from iMovie.

I think all of these were shot in medium mode. You can see some of that flickery effect of the sun through the props (the opening of the Ocean Grove vid).

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