Watch a friendly piece of advice chase off a new member

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I hope DJI doesn't consult with you regarding "microusb" cards...
For the second time, I am chill. And also for at least the second or third time I mis typed but it's 10 UHS-I U3.

And by the way, go ahead and listen to DJI all you like. I will continue to be the ones they consult and believe me, I won't be reporting any info here.

If you don't want to read, don't read but everyone just continue to be shitty at what you do or hobby.

Just kidding, sort of.
Well you do what you want to do, but posting on a public forum will result in public replies. Good on you for consulting with DJI, hopefully you'll not miss-type in your communications with them, or that might be one of the reasons they have certain issues. Who knows, and once again good luck in your hobby.

Only person in this whole thread that seems shitty or new to online forums is you, sad that you've come in so hard and results in such personal angst.
Well you do what you want to do, but posting on a public forum will result in public replies. Good on you for consulting with DJI, hopefully you'll not miss-type in your communications with them, or that might be one of the reasons they have certain issues. Who knows, and once again good luck in your hobby.

Only person in this whole thread that seems shitty or new to online forums is you, sad that you've come in so hard and results in such personal angst.

No, read the thread. Yeah, it's a public forum. I don't have to come here and as I said, after I finish up a couple conversations, probably won't. Only because there are other, more serious forums regarding aerial photography.

It's not a jab to this forum which apparently is more hobby based. You chill out.

Have you used your cameras flying along the Amazon for a single shot that flies into the principle and had it air on a major network? Nope? I know.

I'm sorry. I don't like what I'm saying and know I should play the high ground but I feel like the forum just ran out a possibly good contributor for no reason.

I was just posting the link for the $10.99 awesome card and decided to post the extra info. Bad choice.
Christ on a bike - the OP seems to have some sort of narcissistic disorder.

He is right and everyone else is wrong. We should all be ever-so-grateful to have him here.

Put your SD card down and try some humility instead. You might like it.
Have you used your cameras flying along the Amazon for a single shot that flies into the principle and had it air on a major network? Nope? I know.

You keep on keeping on buddy. Hopefully your drone, car stereo, microSD card and DJI consultation work keeps you well.
Christ on a bike - the OP seems to have some sort of narcissistic disorder.

He is right and everyone else is wrong. We should all be ever-so-grateful to have him here.

Put your SD card down and try some humility instead. You might like it.
Christ on a bike? With comments like that, I don't need to be a narcissist, I just know I'm better.

And for the person below, yeah my point is that a bunch of eff nuts from a goofy website just scared off its most useful potential member.

Lol @ 60 percent of you

You keep on keeping on buddy. Hopefully your drone, car stereo, microSD card and DJI consultation work keeps you well.
As a couple of you have missed the points, the DJI consultation is not what you are saying it is.

That said, I'm a pro cinematographer and do know more than almost everyone here by default as a mechanic would know more about fixing a car. Of course he would, he does it every day. I don't think higher of myself for it.

I think higher of myself for everyone else.

All I did was post something for the benefit of this forum of which I will be deleting in a minute.

I don't care if your drone ends up on fire and I am ABSOLUTELY SURE it will.
Someone isn't feeling very special


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Someone isn't feeling very special
You guys have zero humor. Like think of a new joke.

TLDR! Hahahahagasha oh boy. I just couldn't stop laughing when a couple of you wrote that. So funny. And now this? Enough. The humor has to have a cieling?
I'd love to see some of your work if you don't mind sharing.
That particular shot was a Colorado Rocky plains painted in and tracked with trees, waterfalls, birds, atmosphere etc tracked in with shots from Hawaii that we took but of course, happy to share my work with you.

Would love to see yours as well!

Not really waning to give the name of my business here but will privately.

Be well
Obviously quite talented, both verbally and artistically. Let's stand up and give him a well deserved round of applause.


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Why did I need to know that you can't remember your pioneer password for three paragraphs?
That said, I'm a pro cinematographer and do know more than almost everyone here by default...

I think higher of myself for everyone else.


I don't care if your drone ends up on fire and I am ABSOLUTELY SURE it will.
A pro that uses a Leathermann to remove microSD cards and breaks them, doesn't know the difference between U1/U3, wants to share his DJI consultant knowledge with us. The loss of knowledge will be profound.

Hopefully we'll be able to fly without our drones bursting into flames. Good luck with your endevours.

Also for a non question thread your original post had many questions, like whats the difference in card speeds and what do they mean. But you're the Pro, you can tell us.
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