Tips for adjusting the lighting here?

Considering it's early evening, it looks like early evening - not sure you need adjust it?
You could make it brighter by setting exposure higher but it would likely go grainy, even more so if you increase the ISO.
Most processing software will have the option to make it brighter or darker but small changes are the key to avoiding freakiness.
Hi. As said by the above poster, if its early morning, on my monitor it looks fine. If I was to nit pick I would say some of the ground textures seem a little soft. A little sharpening may be added but not to much so that the buildings shine. Looks ok on my monitor guys. Thanks
I am not sure if this is what you are referring to, but one option to lighten up the dark areas is to adjust the lighting in post processing. This feature is slightly different than just increasing the exposure or brightness. The lighting adjustment actually balances the lighting. It preserves the night city lights while increasing the dark areas in the foreground. See the adjusted clip below that was adjusted using PowerDirector (Windows). The adjustment in the example may be a bit extreme but you are more easily seen in the video. I assume if you are using a MAC that iMovie has a similar feature. In the case of PowerDirector's example, I used the mid setting of 50 (1-100).
That's awesome thanks guys. Yes that post processing is exactly what I was looking for, Zinnware. I'm mess around with that with some of my other vids.


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