This kid really dislikes multirotor aircraft....

Feb 26, 2015
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Lompoc, CA.
During a fun day doing aerial photography at our favorite camp/ride spot, I overheard some conversation from a group camped adjacient to us.
It seemed all favorable, from what I could make out over the motorcycle and drone noises.
They couldn't see us because of a large shrub, so I brought the drone down and peaked over the top....this was the result.
I'd have gotten out of there too once I realized... little snot.
Skydronik said:
I think you're invading their privacy.

...their perceived privacy?

There's no expectation of privacy in a public space....
Skydronik said:
May be what he dislikes is not the bird, but being filmed. let them their space.. I would not consider filming like that. I think you're invading their privacy.

Skydronik, there is no such thing as "privacy" when you're in a public place, at least not as it applies to photography. If it was on private land that was posted no photography you may have a point but that's the only way.
There IS such a thing as Criminal Damage though.

I mean seriously, if they actually cared (remember OP said the chatter seemed "favorable") they could find the operator and politely mention they'd prefer not to be filmed. This was just some kid being a ****.
Where are our shade-tree weaponeers with roman candles when you need them. It's on like Donkey Kong!
Skydronik said:
I think you're invading their privacy.
You have no right or expectation of privacy in a public place. Ever.
I would have walked over and asked them if they wanted any aerial photos of their camp for free. Then if they agreed there would have not been any animosity or rock throwing.
There's a difference between people being part of a scene vs. being the subject. You made them the subject. I wouldn't throw rocks but I'd certainly want to know why you have your drone fixed on me. If you were just zipping around the area, I wouldn't care less.
There's a difference between people being part of a scene vs. being the subject. You made them the subject. I wouldn't throw rocks but I'd certainly want to know why you have your drone fixed on me. If you were just zipping around the area, I wouldn't care less.
They don't have an expectation of privacy, but it's just plain courtesy to not hover over someone's campsite uninvited.
Everyone wants the rights, without the responsibilities - "I have the right to film them", without the responsibility to not be intrusive, rude, and downright impolite. I consider hovering over someone's campsite falls well into those categories.
I'll be taking my quad camping this weekend, and I sure as hell won't be doing that sort of thing to the other campers there.

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