Suggestion for a new Sticky Thread

Dec 10, 2015
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Albion, MI
I have an idea, probably will be shot down, but I know that it worked on a forum I belonged to some time ago.
It was a list of items called "Truism."
This list is such a great source of information, that is overly complicated by so many very similar posts, with often contradicting information. Searches bring up so many different postings, it is difficult to separate what to believe or not to believe.
The list of items would need to be overseen by "Senior" members who are known and respected, by the user community, as "knowledgeable" contributors with important & respected fact based correct information. And after being on this list for only a couple of months, I could name several that I think would certainly qualify.
It already appears that there are at least a couple of possible "truisms" out there.
1. Version 1.6 is the best of the latest software packages. Solves a lot of problems! Prevents crashes!
2. Compass does not need to be calibrated unless you move to a location more than 25 miles away.
Those are just a couple that come up constantly, and usually end up with the above conclusions winning out, true or not!
Anyway, I do think that if this were put into place, the 15 or 20 items that seem to be coming up almost every day could be condensed to "Truisms" that would negate so many of the repeatedly ask questions, many from a dozen different directions, with different titles.
The very first on my list would be the illustrated posting that I read this evening on RTH settings. The illustrated graphics are outstanding, and clearly explained the RTH function, better than I have ever seen it done before. One of the best positing I have seen!

Just my thoughts to possibly make this great list better and much less confusing, especially for new comers.
Actually, IMHO, I would calibrate the compass before EVERY flight just to be safe, but YMMV. :)
really? What is truisms? Teach Us! I'm curious..
Actually, IMHO, I would calibrate the compass before EVERY flight just to be safe, but YMMV. :)
Thats a heated debate but im of the trend certainly not 2 do the funky chicken dance before each flight. Once you get a good calibration leave....unless if you are travelling big distance from original chicken dance then you can cluck away!!
That's not a bad idea and I've seen that kind of thing done in other forums, but not quite the way you outlined it. I've seen a sticky where the OP lists a bunch of threads where the first post contains useful info (such as truisms). So you open it and there may be 10 thread links. And ideally those opening threads would be managed by the respective OP to contain accurate useful information in the first post.
I would suggest new registered users 1-2weeks ban (time without write access) they would actually need to use search, read and learn before asking same questions again and again. And a separate forum for community-cops whose main reason for being here seems to be flooding FAA regulations everywhere.
I have an idea, probably will be shot down, but I know that it worked on a forum I belonged to some time ago.
It was a list of items called "Truism."
This list is such a great source of information, that is overly complicated by so many very similar posts, with often contradicting information. Searches bring up so many different postings, it is difficult to separate what to believe or not to believe.
The list of items would need to be overseen by "Senior" members who are known and respected, by the user community, as "knowledgeable" contributors with important & respected fact based correct information. And after being on this list for only a couple of months, I could name several that I think would certainly qualify.
It already appears that there are at least a couple of possible "truisms" out there.
1. Version 1.6 is the best of the latest software packages. Solves a lot of problems! Prevents crashes!
2. Compass does not need to be calibrated unless you move to a location more than 25 miles away.
Those are just a couple that come up constantly, and usually end up with the above conclusions winning out, true or not!
Anyway, I do think that if this were put into place, the 15 or 20 items that seem to be coming up almost every day could be condensed to "Truisms" that would negate so many of the repeatedly ask questions, many from a dozen different directions, with different titles.
The very first on my list would be the illustrated posting that I read this evening on RTH settings. The illustrated graphics are outstanding, and clearly explained the RTH function, better than I have ever seen it done before. One of the best positing I have seen!

Just my thoughts to possibly make this great list better and much less confusing, especially for new comers.

In theory an excellent idea. In practice, it probably won't work. Why not? Well look at all of the duplicate posts, threads that get repeated every couple of weeks, and so on.

The plain fact is that a lot of folks don't read the stickies and even fewer actually search before they post.

A few years ago there was a constant stream of annoying issues that repeated every few days (it seemed) on the P2 forums. I made out a big list that was made into a sticky addressing the majority of the (then) issues. However, it was largely ignored with new posters just putting up their question and not reading the information sheet that would have answered their questions.

So while I would be fully in support of such an idea, I firmly believe that it wouldn't work.
In theory an excellent idea. In practice, it probably won't work. Why not? Well look at all of the duplicate posts, threads that get repeated every couple of weeks, and so on.

The plain fact is that a lot of folks don't read the stickies and even fewer actually search before they post.

A few years ago there was a constant stream of annoying issues that repeated every few days (it seemed) on the P2 forums. I made out a big list that was made into a sticky addressing the majority of the (then) issues. However, it was largely ignored with new posters just putting up their question and not reading the information sheet that would have answered their questions.

So while I would be fully in support of such an idea, I firmly believe that it wouldn't work.

Unfortunately so true.
I would suggest new registered users 1-2weeks ban (time without write access) they would actually need to use search, read and learn before asking same questions again and again. And a separate forum for community-cops whose main reason for being here seems to be flooding FAA regulations everywhere.
No and no. If someone asks a question that is asked and answered in another posting and you don't want to reply... Don't reply. To me there are enough snobbish remarks in here. The "read the manual guys crack me up." Yeah, I get it read the manual. There are nuances that people don't always get from reading the manual. I read the manual about 6 times and still had questions before my first flight. Coming here and getting feedback was important for me. I'll do the same.

Phantom 3 Pro / iPad Air 2
No and no. If someone asks a question that is asked and answered in another posting and you don't want to reply... Don't reply. To me there are enough snobbish remarks in here. The "read the manual guys crack me up." Yeah, I get it read the manual. There are nuances that people don't always get from reading the manual. I read the manual about 6 times and still had questions before my first flight. Coming here and getting feedback was important for me. I'll do the same.

Phantom 3 Pro / iPad Air 2

Thats not what i ment, i have been and will be helpful. Never asked anyone to read the manual and never do, would be pointless to reply something like that and make thread more useless.
Thats not what i ment, i have been and will be helpful. Never asked anyone to read the manual and never do, would be pointless to reply something like that and make thread more useless.
I was not referring to you.

I just read a ton of condescending reply's directing people to read the manual. It's a great suggestion to people that are new. Sometimes though they can be over the top. I have even seen several such posts after accidents where the AC was a total loss. As if reading the manual after your AC is in a million pieces is a helpful response. It is a source of irritation for me. Almost would rather they just came right out and called the pilots idiots. At least that's an upfront comment.
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Sooo No sticky thread, tutorials, guides, or even a FAQ?
one'd have to wonder whats the intention of that such vast database wealth of knowledge thats nothing but a swirling bowl of mess.
true phantompilots has vast if not the largest information on dji drones but good luck finding the information you need when you desperate for it.
I have an idea, probably will be shot down, but I know that it worked on a forum I belonged to some time ago.
It was a list of items called "Truism."
This list is such a great source of information, that is overly complicated by so many very similar posts, with often contradicting information. Searches bring up so many different postings, it is difficult to separate what to believe or not to believe.
The list of items would need to be overseen by "Senior" members who are known and respected, by the user community, as "knowledgeable" contributors with important & respected fact based correct information. And after being on this list for only a couple of months, I could name several that I think would certainly qualify.
It already appears that there are at least a couple of possible "truisms" out there.
1. Version 1.6 is the best of the latest software packages. Solves a lot of problems! Prevents crashes!
2. Compass does not need to be calibrated unless you move to a location more than 25 miles away.
Those are just a couple that come up constantly, and usually end up with the above conclusions winning out, true or not!
Anyway, I do think that if this were put into place, the 15 or 20 items that seem to be coming up almost every day could be condensed to "Truisms" that would negate so many of the repeatedly ask questions, many from a dozen different directions, with different titles.
The very first on my list would be the illustrated posting that I read this evening on RTH settings. The illustrated graphics are outstanding, and clearly explained the RTH function, better than I have ever seen it done before. One of the best positing I have seen!

Just my thoughts to possibly make this great list better and much less confusing, especially for new comers.

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