Shaking zenmuse gimbal (or drone) ?

Jun 20, 2017
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Hello everyone,

I think I need the knowledge of you guys. Here's the problem:

My Phantom2 is equipped with the H4-3D gimbal. It's been working great so fat until yesterday. I can't say wether the problem comes form the drone itself of the gimbal, BUT the whole thing is very shaky (which I can see in the footage that's filmed by the GoPro)

I'm talking about a very fast and continuous shaking. The gimbal seems to be balanced though, because when I turn on the drone, hold it with my hands and move it, the camera and the gimbal look pretty steady and balanced.

I read on the internet that it might come from the gain settings in the Phantom Assistant. So I lowered them.
I also changed the small white things that are supposed to get rid of the vibrations. i put the dark ones that are softer.

Did not get a chance to fly ever since, so I'll try to see if fixes it tonight. But has anyone experienced such issue?

As I'm going on a trip (which was the purpose of buying the drone) next sunday the 9th, any help or advice would be MUCH appreciated.

Thank you very much, and hopefully the changes I've made will fix everything tonight.
Hello everyone,

I think I need the knowledge of you guys. Here's the problem:

My Phantom2 is equipped with the H4-3D gimbal. It's been working great so fat until yesterday. I can't say wether the problem comes form the drone itself of the gimbal, BUT the whole thing is very shaky (which I can see in the footage that's filmed by the GoPro)

I'm talking about a very fast and continuous shaking. The gimbal seems to be balanced though, because when I turn on the drone, hold it with my hands and move it, the camera and the gimbal look pretty steady and balanced.

I read on the internet that it might come from the gain settings in the Phantom Assistant. So I lowered them.
I also changed the small white things that are supposed to get rid of the vibrations. i put the dark ones that are softer.

Did not get a chance to fly ever since, so I'll try to see if fixes it tonight. But has anyone experienced such issue?

As I'm going on a trip (which was the purpose of buying the drone) next sunday the 9th, any help or advice would be MUCH appreciated.

Thank you very much, and hopefully the changes I've made will fix everything tonight.

When you first turn on the P2 does the gimbal go through its normal calibration and hold it's or does position or does start shaking before takeoff?

What camera are you using?

Are you using the white or the black dampers?

Do you have footage of the shaking while in flight you can post?

Go back into the gimbal configuration and reset it to 50,0,0 and the FPV Mode box unchecked.
When I turn on the P2, the gimbal does its little calibration, then holds still and looks steady 'ready to go'. No shaking at all. Since a tutorial that I've seen on Youtube, I replaced two of the white dampers, to 2 dark ones (softer)

I don't have any footage, but will try to make one tonight.

As for the settings, I'm pretty sure that the FPV box is unchecked.
Thanks for the reply
When I turn on the P2, the gimbal does its little calibration, then holds still and looks steady 'ready to go'. No shaking at all. Since a tutorial that I've seen on Youtube, I replaced two of the white dampers, to 2 dark ones (softer)

I don't have any footage, but will try to make one tonight.

As for the settings, I'm pretty sure that the FPV box is unchecked.
Thanks for the reply

Replace the dark ones with the white dampers.

What camera are you using?

Are the prop in perfect shape no chips?
Okay I will. Sorry the camera is the pro H4. My props look fine yes. I mean, nothing happened between my last flight and the one where it started shaking..

Will change the dampers back to white and make a couple of tests. Hopefully I find a way..
Okay I will. Sorry the camera is the pro H4. My props look fine yes. I mean, nothing happened between my last flight and the one where it started shaking..

Will change the dampers back to white and make a couple of tests. Hopefully I find a way..

If you are no a computer or laptop and can see the reply button in the lower right corner of the post use it as it notifies me that you have texted a response just like I have been doing.

If you have full battery take a test flight with recording and post that video on YouTube and then post the URL here so I can see what it's doing. Do you have an account with YouTube?
If you are no a computer or laptop and can see the reply button in the lower right corner of the post use it as it notifies me that you have texted a response just like I have been doing.

If you have full battery take a test flight with recording and post that video on YouTube and then post the URL here so I can see what it's doing. Do you have an account with YouTube?
I charged my battery yesterday and will try to take a test flight tonight. I will send you a youtube video link right away ! Thanks so much for helping.
Okay I will. Sorry the camera is the pro H4. My props look fine yes. I mean, nothing happened between my last flight and the one where it started shaking..

Will change the dampers back to white and make a couple of tests. Hopefully I find a way..

I forgot to ask if those props are stock or aftermarket. On the leading edge, there will be DJI logo and on the other leading edge 9443 or 9450.
I forgot to ask if those props are stock or aftermarket. On the leading edge, there will be DJI logo and on the other leading edge 9443 or 9450.

I take it that you are at work .
I'll be at local fireworks until around 11;00 pm tonight will answer your questions when I get in.
I take it that you are at work .

Hello again Jason,

Sorry for the late reply. I was at work indeed. So, had some time to make a quick test flight.

Two different set-ups :
1/ a couple of white dampers and a couple of soft black ones - Same props than yesterday.
2/ 4 white dampers - brand new props

(NB : I do own the DJI props)

Conclusion 1 : both flights had better results than yesterday. So I came to the conclusion that the Gain settings work better now.
Conclusion 2 : The flight with 4 white dampers and the brand new props seems a little better.

I didn't film my drone flying, but it was obvious that it was less shaky. Though I made you a little footage showing the first flight (Black and white dampers / old props). It's the same piece before after stabilisation and lens compensation. Do we agree that it's pretty decent ? :

Anyways, interested in your feedback, and once again : Thanks a lot for your time !!


Hello again Jason,

Sorry for the late reply. I was at work indeed. So, had some time to make a quick test flight.

Two different set-ups :
1/ a couple of white dampers and a couple of soft black ones - Same props than yesterday.
2/ 4 white dampers - brand new props

(NB : I do own the DJI props)

Conclusion 1 : both flights had better results than yesterday. So I came to the conclusion that the Gain settings work better now.
Conclusion 2 : The flight with 4 white dampers and the brand new props seems a little better.

I didn't film my drone flying, but it was obvious that it was less shaky. Though I made you a little footage showing the first flight (Black and white dampers / old props). It's the same piece before after stabilisation and lens compensation. Do we agree that it's pretty decent ? :

Anyways, interested in your feedback, and once again : Thanks a lot for your time !!


Nico which gains are you referring to the gimbal configuration settings or the P2 Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Vertical and Attitude gains?? If you changed the P2 gains write down each percentage and then set them back to default and try another flight. I have never changed the P2 gains in the four years I've owned it as there has never been any reason to do so and it flys perfectly. If the props you were using when all the shaking started were not OEM stock props more than likely they were at fault.

The flight you posted looks stable enough where you are flying it but how is it going to react when in the wind.
So here's a clip from the fireworks Tuesday night. These three combined clips here shot in HFR (high frame rate) at 480fps for some super slow motion.

By the way, where is the trip taking you this coming Sunday?
So here's a clip from the fireworks Tuesday night. These three combined clips here shot in HFR (high frame rate) at 480fps for some super slow motion.

By the way, where is the trip taking you this coming Sunday?

hello Jason,

480 Fps ? may I ask you what you're filming with?
My trip is to California, from Los Angeles, up to San Fransisco via the Pacific Coast Line. I can't wait !

Regarding the Gain settings, I'm talking about the Pitch, Roll, Yaw and Vertical. I didn't touch anything on the gimbal. It's set at 10,0,0. (I read somewhere that 10 as a good value for a smooth tilt) IS there any other setting that I could do on the gimbal apart from these three values?

I'm not sure what you mean by OEM props. Does it mean like 'real DJI props' ?

The main question that comes to my mind would be : Why would the shaking start if I don't change anything to my copter from one flight to another. BUT I remember one thing, on that flight when it started shaking, I put a ND filter on the GoPro. I might have started by mentioning that detail ? Do you think it can be the reason why ?

hello Jason,

480 Fps ? may I ask you what you're filming with?
My trip is to California, from Los Angeles, up to San Fransisco via the Pacific Coast Line. I can't wait !

Regarding the Gain settings, I'm talking about the Pitch, Roll, Yaw and Vertical. I didn't touch anything on the gimbal. It's set at 10,0,0. (I read somewhere that 10 as a good value for a smooth tilt) IS there any other setting that I could do on the gimbal apart from these three values?

I'm not sure what you mean by OEM props. Does it mean like 'real DJI props' ?

The main question that comes to my mind would be : Why would the shaking start if I don't change anything to my copter from one flight to another. BUT I remember one thing, on that flight when it started shaking, I put a ND filter on the GoPro. I might have started by mentioning that detail ? Do you think it can be the reason why ?


I used a Sony RX10 ii In HFR (high frame rate) so when the video clip is played back it's in super slow motion. There were three clips and each was 16 seconds long. None require and post editing except for the video transition between clips.

Where are you coming from on your trip to California? Not to spoil your plans but be sure to find out what community restrictions there are before you fly as California is full of them.

In the four years, I have been flying my P2 the gains have never been adjusted for any reason and it flys perfectly. My suggestion would be to write down all the settings and then set them all back to default and see how it flys.

These are my default settings and I am using v3.08 firmware. If you are using v3.14 firmware they be different but the flight characteristics with the default settings shouldn't present any problems.

Yes OEM props meant using original DJI stock props and they made to styles the 9443 and 9450 and you can use either one but they cannot be mixed. DJI props are manufactured with almost perfect balance with very little or no balancing needed. Miss balanced props such as aftermarket can cause shaking plus uncontrollable flight characteristics. Been there done that.

Since you are using the NDJ6 controller with the tilt wheel in the upper left there really is not any need to adjust the gimbals tilt in the gimbal configuration. As the speed up or down is controlled in how fast you move that wheel.

As for ND filters, I do not use them but I do use a sun hood glued to lens protector to block prop shadows when the sun is directly overhead. Sometimes the wind will cause the gimbal horizontal motor to quit momentarily which can screw up a video sequence but that's all. But in your case using an ND filter may cause a sensitive issue and you may have to use a counterweight to compensate for the filter. Either that or leave it off but if you flying when the sun is directly overhead you have prop shadows ruining the video.

There are other ways to make these hoods and you can find them on YouTube.

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