Setting up the Futaba T8FGS (or 14SG) with the P2

Does anyone know how I can setup my T8FGS to have the same function as the DSLRPROS Point of Interest function and their 50% throttle sensitivity?
toenee said:
Does anyone know how I can setup my T8FGS to have the same function as the DSLRPROS Point of Interest function and their 50% throttle sensitivity?

I do not know about the DSLRPros setup but you can set rates for throttle sensitivity. Look up how to set rates for the Futaba. Set the throttle so that you can switch between normal and modified. Most RC sites explain how to do this for Futaba. While most tx have similar capabilities, they each work a little differently. Nothing magic once you get inside them, though. You might consider an exponential function instead of cutting throttle by half. That decreases mid-range sensitivity but gives you full throttle when you firewall it.

For POI programming, I think there are a couple of references and clues in this thread.
Still waiting for someone to post a copy of the DSLRPros profile. It'd be nice to compare it to the profile we've got here.
I have been looking through this forum for about two weeks for the 14SG setup with a P2 h3-3d. I have successfully loaded 2 profiles to my 14sg - one of which is Brandon Ballard's 14sg profile. It works correctly with my radio. The second is the 8SG v5 profile from page 1. "EDITED PROBLEM" I now can calibrate all functions with one exception. I cannot get the Gimble to work with the 3 position switch (SC) as stated. I have calibrated RS programmed to control X1 with SC centered. Now as I understand it, with RS centered - SC should move the gimble to 0 if pushed back and to 90 if pulled towards me - both of which should be slow and smooth. This has not been the case - there is no movement of the Gimble with SC. It operates normally with RS. Strange thing is SB seems to make the gimble move slowly through the range but I believe that SB is suppose to be the triple rate switch. Does anyone have the same experience?
In looking at the function menu SB is set to MOT and I don't see an assignment for SC anywhere.
I have contacted DSLRPros about buying the 14SG from them with the programming or purchasing the programming. They informed me that they believe the 14 is overkill and they are only selling the 8FG. The programming they will not sell. I tried.

Correct me if I am wrong. Isn't the 8FG old and the 14SG basically the replacement? I haven't purchased a radio to replace the stock Phantom 2 new version yet but plan on purchasing the 14 this weekend. Any advice before purchase would help. Thanks for all the postings on this thread. POI is my main focus.

Thank you in advance,

Every thread I have read has stated that the 14sg is the replacement for the 8fg. The 14SG will accept all 8fg profiles - just copy to a SD and load them into the 14SG. I went with the 14SGH Mode2 for future use on other RCs and I think it was a wise choice. I don't know of anyone who regrets the purchase of a 14sg. Ianwood has put a lot of work on the profile he has a link to on page 1 of this thread. Once I get the bugs out (I'm sure its my bugs and not his) then life will be good. POI is a feature worth the efforts and hopefully this profile is going to work out. Hope this helps a little.

You don't want to buy their programming when you can simply find someone who has it and copy it. It's a configuration and therefore has no copyright and it is easily copied. Someone here has a DSLRPro setup, I'm sure.
BillBrown said:
I have been looking through this forum for about two weeks for the 14SG setup with a P2 h3-3d. I have successfully loaded 2 profiles to my 14sg - one of which is Brandon Ballard's 14sg profile. It works correctly with my radio. The second is the 8SG v5 profile from page 1. "EDITED PROBLEM" I now can calibrate all functions with one exception. I cannot get the Gimble to work with the 3 position switch (SC) as stated. I have calibrated RS programmed to control X1 with SC centered. Now as I understand it, with RS centered - SC should move the gimble to 0 if pushed back and to 90 if pulled towards me - both of which should be slow and smooth. This has not been the case - there is no movement of the Gimble with SC. It operates normally with RS. Strange thing is SB seems to make the gimble move slowly through the range but I believe that SB is suppose to be the triple rate switch. Does anyone have the same experience?
In looking at the function menu SB is set to MOT and I don't see an assignment for SC anywhere.

OK, figured this out - late and tired when I attempted last. Had to reload the profile after going in and looking at all settings to see how everything was set up. As I am new to the controller, I must have changed something unknowingly. After the reload and a fresh set of eyes, all is fine. I should have triple checked prior to posting, but being anxious to get it loaded and play "or should I say familiarize myself" frustration took over and of course post the question prior to fully troubleshooting. It is so simple of a process that I made it difficult. Can't wait to get this in the field and try it all out. Many thanks to all who had input and to Ianwood for the many hours of work it took to get this profile. Awesome work!
I just received my 8fg and I was able to bind it to my phantom 2 and load the phantom 2 model. The only problem I seem to have is with the slider centered, I have the switch all the way up and the Gopro is about 45 degrees. I flip the lever to the center position and the gopro slowly tilts facing down. the switch all the way down doesn't do anything. I can't get it to face forward. This is my first Futaba, anyone have an idea where I can look. Thanks. The Phantom 2 model was great as is the slomo tilt
rstekeur said:
I just received my 8fg and I was able to bind it to my phantom 2 and load the phantom 2 model. The only problem I seem to have is with the slider centered, I have the switch all the way up and the Gopro is about 45 degrees. I flip the lever to the center position and the gopro slowly tilts facing down. the switch all the way down doesn't do anything. I can't get it to face forward. This is my first Futaba, anyone have an idea where I can look. Thanks. The Phantom 2 model was great as is the slomo tilt
Recalibrate using the DJI assistant and make sure sc is centered while you calibrate rs.
ianwood said:
Still waiting for someone to post a copy of the DSLRPros profile. It'd be nice to compare it to the profile we've got here.

Here is the profile.


    486 bytes · Views: 271
Thanks! I'll have a look at that soon. Any goodies there, I'll add to the profile here.
Hello everybody, I'm new here. I just get a Futaba T8FG Super, I found a "profile" from DSRLpros in the database. I installed a 6208SB in the Phantom 2 and linked with the 8FG, everything seems to work. The DSRLpros profile have already settings. The Gimbal H3D3 is working very smooth with the right slider, X1 and Transmitter upgrade version. SA is having OFF/COURSE LOCK/HOME LOCK, and SE is having GPS/ATTI/FAILSAFE. The channels A/E/T/R are working. My problem is that (testing on the table not flying) the position of the throttle in the bottom is motors off, is this going to happen flying? (I suppose is happening when the phantom is at the same altitude of home) but I'm worried.
Another question, I feel more comfortable with the switches as in the original DJI Remote, where can I find a tutorial of how to change the functions of the switches, I have the Manual of the 8FG but is a mess.
I also ordered the spring to make the throttle fix in the middle position.

If someone want to check the profile I can try to copy from the memory and post it.

Thanks a lot.
Can someone tell me how I can power the R6208SB receiver? I wanting to setup independent gimbal control.
Alexcabrils said:
Another question, I feel more comfortable with the switches as in the original DJI Remote, where can I find a tutorial of how to change the functions of the switches, I have the Manual of the 8FG but is a mess.

Use the profile I made on page 1 of this thread. It uses the same switch locations as the stock DJI controller.

extrememc said:
Can someone tell me how I can power the R6208SB receiver? I wanting to setup independent gimbal control.

You can probably split it off from the Naza power but it depends on how you are splitting the control in the first place.
@ianwood how do I split it from the Naza power?
Hi Ianwood, I did it upload the profile to the T8fg, Thanks a lot. I found some differences in the gimbal system (the DSRLpros profile seems even more smooth, I think you already have the profile to check) but this is just adaptation and practice.
I still have the worriying issue of the altitude and the shutoff when the throttle stick is down. Very worried if this is happening on flight. I start the P2 without props check everything, fix gps position and then put the P2 7 meters high. From this position with the throttle stick down the engines stop. (Normal??)
I ordered the self centering spring anyway.

Thanks a lot for your help.
I am new to the RC world. I just upgraded my Phantom 2 to the Futaba 14GS. It has a multi-rotor setting. Why isn't anyone using that setting instead of airplane?

I want to say thanks to Ian and Brandon on here for all of the hard work with the profiles. This has been a great help for me. Now I need to start learning how to program and fly.

Thanks for all the info,


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