Seems I'm screwed!

Have you tried the digital notice provided by AirMap?
How are you studying for 107. Online course or just wading thru FAA REGS.
I read once in the regulations and can not find again that heliport are airports per FAA definition.

IIRC, only when operating under a 333 do you need to notify heliports. That may be why they are shown in the B4UFly app.
I read once in the regulations and can not find again that heliport are airports per FAA definition. That's where my concern comes in here in HB. Their all over the place. BUT, they are obviously untowered and as such could be considered class G airspace unless they fall under the vail of an actual airports class b,c,d,e airspace. Thus notification would not be needed. Correct?
This is a documented argument the city has used in the past to prevent drone flights.
That's why—when flying in the area where there are small helipads that have no obvious contact information—I will start filing my own NOTAMs. That way, you have proven effort to give notice, in those scenarios.
Have you tried the digital notice provided by AirMap?
Yes, but not all airports accept digital notice and not all heliport/small airports have contact information. See my previous message on filing your own NOTAMs in those cases.

How are you studying for 107. Online course or just wading thru FAA REGS.
A hybrid of both, but not with formal courses. I've been an avid aeronautics enthusiast since I was a kid (also flown model airplanes). I have some familiarity with reading aeronautical maps, NOTAMs, weather reports, and with radio communications.
Part of my ongoing concern is if you use the B4UFLY app we can't fly period. It shows every airport and heliport in the area. Use an app like Hover and it only shows John Wayne and even more interesting Hover shows me just outside of the five mile radius. So who do we trust ? FAA app or some third party. Neither could be perfect. Air map app is somewhere between the other two. Do we pick the app that works for us an play dumb?
Playing dumb won't protect you from the FAA. They suggest you use their app. I would use their app. You can't chose to use an app that shows partial airports.
Part of my ongoing concern is if you use the B4UFLY app we can't fly period. It shows every airport and heliport in the area. Use an app like Hover and it only shows John Wayne and even more interesting Hover shows me just outside of the five mile radius. So who do we trust ? FAA app or some third party. Neither could be perfect. Air map app is somewhere between the other two. Do we pick the app that works for us an play dumb?

I'll third that. You should only use what the FAA does to cover you rear end. Claiming you did not know is not going to work. It is your responsibility to know.
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What's odd about B4UFly is that there is no selection for 333 / 107 / hobby as they all have different rules.

Even odder is if you use the Distance Tool it will read out in NM which is needed for 333 / 107 but not in SM for hobby use.
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Playing dumb won't protect you from the FAA. They suggest you use their app. I would use their app. You can't chose to use an app that shows partial airports.

LOL, guess sarcasm does not come across well here in the forum.

Point is, if your going to be a good boy, play by the rules, abide by the law, then the heading of this thread says it all. If you live in SOCAL and don't want to drive out to the desert to fly then your screwed. If B4UFLY is the official FAA approved app of choice, then it's impossible to fly here legally. There is no way a person could ever contact all the heliports in our area. And I still contend that many would not have a clue as to why your calling them making a notification of your intention to go flying. As regards airports, notice is to be thru the FAA web portal. Airport OPS and ATC are not there to field calls from us all day every day. Good luck getting that approved anytime soon. There is a tread here in the forum where people are complaining about having their notice request dates passed up already without any response from the FAA. @SoCalDude plans to issue his own NOTAMS thru 1800wxbrief. Not sure that will even fly (pun intended). AirMap has a digital notice to KSNA, but none of the nearly one dozen heliports in my area do. The App does provide phone numbers for all the good it does us. It's early in this mess and the FAA is trying to do the right thing for us. But in my opinion the notice/authorization process seems to do more to ground us at this time then help us especially if you decide to go recreational on a nice clear fall day at a moments notice.
LOL, guess sarcasm does not come across well here in the forum.

As regards airports, notice is to be thru the FAA web portal. Airport OPS and ATC are not there to field calls from us all day every day. Good luck getting that approved anytime soon. There is a tread here in the forum where people are complaining about having their notice request dates passed up already without any response from the FAA. @SoCalDude plans to issue his own NOTAMS thru 1800wxbrief. Not sure that will even fly (pun intended). AirMap has a digital notice to KSNA, but none of the nearly one dozen heliports in my area do. The App does provide phone numbers for all the good it does us. It's early in this mess and the FAA is trying to do the right thing for us. But in my opinion the notice/authorization process seems to do more to ground us at this time then help us especially if you decide to go recreational on a nice clear fall day at a moments notice.

I agree they don't make it easy. But when you state that you have to give notice thru the FAA web portal... I'm confused. If you are a hobbyist you have to notify the airports within 5 miles. Did i miss where it states i have to use FAA portal? (serious question). I would just keep a list of the airports in my area. Call them and give notice. Take down the person's name I talked to and the time. Keep a simple log.
Of course we know if you are flying Part 107 then you don't need to notify FAA or ATC or airports as long as you aren't in controlled airspace. (applies to a smaller number of us, i know).
it sucks you can't readily find the airport or heliport operator's phone number. I find a lot of "heliports" in my area. Including the police station, the hospital, the news station, etc. I have heard of people calling the hospital security office to tell them of the UAV activity... but I am sure it doesn't make it's way to the helicopter pilots flying in and out of there. But at least notice was given to the agency who operates the airport/heliport. Can't do much more than try I guess.

Oh yeah... sarcasm is hard to get. :p
I called the guy who's online 107 course I'm currently taking. I'll not mention who that is to avoid advertising him here.

For hobby: we are to contact OPS and ATC if within 5 miles.
Commercial i.e. Part 107: we are to use the web portal.

What has me confused is that having to deal with the web portal seems to me to potentially stiffal business. 90 days in advance of the required clearance date requested. Tell me what Real Estate company is going to wait 90 days before I come to do job. Wouldn't it be better to have commercial 107 types call in for more immediate authorization and the rec guys give web notice.

Regarding heliports (my other concern) I was told its "see and avoid" if you can't make contact.

Let's face it l'm just confused.
I thought the same thing about the real estate. But you can't get around it, unfortunately. If you want to shoot for real estate you have to be Part 107. Now you normally don't need to call or use the portal if you are not in Controlled Airspace. Most home you would be shooting hopefully are not in controlled airspace. You need to get a sectional for this. You are right, no real estate will wait 10 days for photos to be taken, let alone 90 days. And that 90 days is a guideline, it doesn't take that long, so I have heard. So if your client is within the controlled airspace, then tell them it will be a wait and most likely they won't want your services. Sorry, but it sucks and its the rules. So just move on to the next client.

It would be easier to have Part 107 just call in, but that would be too many people calling in I guess.

But I don't think you call ATC for hobby flying. You contact the airport. There is a difference.
I wonder you told you to just see and avoid a heliport. Not sure that is an FAA rule. FAA states that all hobbyist must contact and inform the airport (which includes seaports, heliports, etc) of your intentions. So be careful on that one.

Just make a list of all the airports in your area. Take 15 minutes and call and inform each one. Sounds like a lot of work, but its the rules unfortunately.
The FAA rules clearly state "notify the airport AND air traffic control tower" within five miles and operating recreationaly.
It's right there in the summary table on FAA getting started page.
If flying commercial just stay in class G airspace and your golden. To me it seems a higher burden on the side to comply with all the notification requirements.
So here is my takeaway from all this. Join AMA and fly rec at Fairview Park near my home which Costa Mesa City designated RC field. City requires AMA and annual fee to fly there. So at least I can learn to fly and gain flying time and skills. Log the time to make it official and continue studying for the test. At the park they must have a blanket COA but don't know that for sure. Park is even closer to KSNA then my home is. Been there for years. It restricted to electrics and sail planes.
Once I have my certificate it's easier. Just avoid class B, C, D, E airspace.
Join AMA and fly rec at Fairview Park near my home which Costa Mesa City designated RC field. City requires AMA and annual fee to fly there. So at least I can learn to fly and gain flying time and skills.
That's exactly what I do. In fact, I just installed Litchi and am flying a mission there today as a practice mission. It's a great place to practice!

Log the time to make it official and continue studying for the test. At the park they must have a blanket COA but don't know that for sure.
I do that, as well. I believe they have a permanent COA, or else no one would be able to fly there.

It restricted to electrics and sail planes
That's correct, and it includes drones, quads, helis, etc.
Here is what the FAA's Minneapolis Flight Standards District Office. Kevin Morris says about the gradually spreading up process of airspace authorizations.

Part 107 Airspace Authorization- FAA Webinar Overview - Hire a Drone Law Attorney - Fly Under FAA Part 107

"What I mean by that is that air traffic has mapped out areas where, for a lack of better term, automatic authorization will happen. Now don’t get all excited, because it is not going to happen right away."

Enrico Schaefer
UAV Attorney

Free Part 107 Waiver and Airspace Training Videos.
The FAA rules clearly state "notify the airport AND air traffic control tower" within five miles and operating recreationaly.
It's right there in the summary table on FAA getting started page.

My bad... yes it does state: "Provide prior notification to the airport and air traffic control tower, if one is present, when flying within 5 miles of an airport"

So if there is no control tower, like most heliports on top of buildings, hospitals, etc. or small grass airstrips then you just need to notify the airport.
So here is my takeaway from all this. Join AMA and fly rec at Fairview Park near my home which Costa Mesa City designated RC field. City requires AMA and annual fee to fly there. So at least I can learn to fly and gain flying time and skills. Log the time to make it official and continue studying for the test.

That's exactly what I do. In fact, I just installed Litchi and am flying a mission there today as a practice mission. It's a great place to practice!

I went there this evening and tried out Litchi for the first time. I flew the following waypoint mission (twice). It worked flawlessly!

Although I am impressed by Litchi and its capabilities, I don't think I'll use it a whole lot--only when I have specialized goals for a flight. Litchi takes all the fun out of flying. It was actually a little boring just watching the mission run and me not doing anything with the controls.

Anyway, here's the WP mission I flew...

I went there this evening and tried out Litchi for the first time. I flew the following waypoint mission (twice). It worked flawlessly!

Although I am impressed by Litchi and its capabilities, I don't think I'll use it a whole lot--only when I have specialized goals for a flight. Litchi takes all the fun out of flying. It was actually a little boring just watching the mission run and me not doing anything with the controls.

Anyway, here's the WP mission I flew...

@SoCalDude, have you gotten the city permit or are you winging it on your AMA card?

Next time you think you'll be at Fairview let me know. I drive home from work on Hamilton and usually pass by around 6:00 pm. PM me for my email.

Did hear DroneEddie passed away from a heart attack early this week.
@SoCalDude, have you gotten the city permit or are you winging it on your AMA card?
Both. And I carry my FAA registration card, too.

Next time you think you'll be at Fairview let me know. I drive home from work on Hamilton and usually pass by around 6:00 pm. PM me for my email.
Will do.

Did hear DroneEddie passed away from a heart attack early this week.
Yes, there's a long thread on the HB Facebook groups. In fact, I was the one who put the link to his obituary in one of the replies.

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