Replaced Compass..Drone caught on fire

Aug 5, 2017
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Hey everyone on this forum!

A couple weeks ago I flew my drone into a tree by accident. After that incident I started to get multiple compass errors that wouldn't even let me fly the drone. So I decided to replace the compass all together. Once I replaced the compass by removing the top shell, removing the old compass, and putting the replacement compass in the same position, I closed everything up. Then I plugged the battery in and turned it on! Next thing you know I see flames coming out the vents so I immediately took out the batter y and turned it off. The battery doesn't look swollen at all so it must be the wiring in the drone. The fire didn't burn much and when i looked through the vents all the wires look intact. Should I inspect the inside of the drone again? And do you think there is any hope in repairing this drone.

IMG_4402.JPG battery
IMG_4401.JPG replacement compass
IMG_4400.JPGmain fire point
IMG_4399.JPG secondary fire point
Take the cover off and see what happened,but one thing for sure is something shorted or possibly your solder caused a short.
Hey guys I just opened up the drone and i took a picture of what seems to have caught on fire. Can any of you identify it?
Duplicate post. Frustrating.
If it were me I'd use that bird for spare parts and start over. A fire/short on the main board like that can lead to all sorts of issues. Not worth throwing a bunch of money at it in hopes of fixing it. Standards are inexpensive. Time for a new bird.
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If it were me I'd use that bird for spare parts and start over. A fire/short on the main board like that can lead to all sorts of issues. Not worth throwing a bunch of money at it in hopes of fixing it. Standards are inexpensive. Time for a new bird.
I agree and you can buy a new refurb for $399. and sell your existing remote to offset some of that cost.
Hey everyone on this forum!

A couple weeks ago I flew my drone into a tree by accident. After that incident I started to get multiple compass errors that wouldn't even let me fly the drone. So I decided to replace the compass all together. Once I replaced the compass by removing the top shell, removing the old compass, and putting the replacement compass in the same position
Wait, havent you tried recalibrating it?
I replaced the compass by removing the top shell, removing the old compass, and putting the replacement compass in the same position
I think your issue was in last part of this sentence. I have no idea where you placed the compass, but burn marks suggest its cable was near ESC when you turned it not. This is not at all where the compass cable should go.
FYI: the OP has not visited site/thread in 40+ weeks.
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