Preflight Check List...for the P2V

Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
Topeka, KS
This list is for the Phantom 2 Vision, (for the Original Phantom, see the posting on this Forum titled "Preflight Check List").... In these lists we have tried to cover most all of the steps, cautions, pitfalls, warnings, etc. that we all need to be aware of, especially if we are new to flying the Phantom.
More experienced pilots will probably not need all of these reminders, but it's better to aim for a complete and extensive list, rather than make assumption of, "That's SO basic, EVERYONE knows to do that!!"

If you find this to be of some help, feel free to custom tailor it to YOUR needs. Copy it as is for a more detailed and extensive Check List...OR...Cut, Paste and Edit it to make it a helpful document for your own style and experience.

A hint / suggestion before that First Flight, would be to affix or tape a message on your Phantom to the effect..."REWARD if found...Call 555-BR549"...or whatever your contact number might be.

Aerial & ground Pre-Flight Inspection:

Note wind direction and weather conditions
Verify no airport, air traffic, restricted air space
Check for any hazards, obstructions, pedestrian or vehicular traffic, personal property within flight plan
Check for wireless or EME interference potential, (Wireless Towers or Power Lines)
Plan emergency landing area accounting for the above

Aircraft Check:

Accessories Secured
Props inspected -flaws/debris/Nuts Verified tight
No Transport Damage

Phantom 2 Vision check list ~~~~~~~~~~Does NOT apply to the Original Phantom..

Check battery level of the uninstalled main battery and install it in the Phantom

(A note of caution here...refrain from touching any of the battery terminals, either those ON the battery...or the mating surfaces in the Phantom itself. Dirty or corrupted contacts have been suspected in many of the "Invalid Battery" messages...just keep "Fingers OFF" to be safe..!)

Turn on range extender (This is the first and longest step in establishing the WiFi network)
Turn on Controller (Listen for the confirmation beep...or double beep for FAA setting)
Double check of the main battery level after installation in the Phantom
Turn on main battery (Enjoy the sound and light show from the Phantom!)
(Press button on Main battery once immediately followed by a 2nd press-held for 2-3 secs)

(Turning on all three batteries ASAP will allow the WiFi network to begin connecting soonest)

Activate "Settings" in iPhone
Under "WiFi", view "Choose a Network" (There may be a short wait for the WiFI to become active)
The WiFi for "Phantom_1***" should be active, if not, select it
Activate DJI app on iPhone...or 'Droid
Verify battery power via DJI app
Check number of GPS satellites acquired ~ 6 or more required, this should establish "Home Point"

Orient the Controller antenna to vertical position.
Orient the Range extender at right angles to your projected flight pattern.
If needed, verify camera settings, stills, video, burst, ISO, tilt, etc.
Check for installed SD card & camera cable plugged in firmly.
Ensure that the camera's switch is set to "Wi-Fi."
No FPV (First Person View) image?? Remove lens cap from camera.. Duh!.!
Operate S1 switch (Upper Right Corner) - 9 +/- times to initiate Compass Calibration
Perform Compass Calibration by your favorite method..."Do the 'Dance' or Rotate the P2V!" First rotate the P2V in a horizontal direction until the Yellow lights turn to Green, then rotate in the vertical plane..Remember that the P2V camera end should be pointing either straight down or straight up, that is the Phantom body should be in a vertical orientation.

Successful Compass Calibration is indicated by solid green lights on the Phantom...
Start video camera or intervalometer for stills...optional, but nice to have take off images at times...!

Place Phantom so that the battery lights are visible, wait for all 4 to be lit. This establishes "Home Point" so the Phantom can RTH (Return To Home) in case of trouble...very valuable. The Phantom needs 6 GPS satellites for this to complete.

Double check for nearby obstructions, people, power lines, etc.
Ready, Set, Fly..!!

After flight checks...
Turn off the Main Battery power, the Range Extender and the Controller
Inspect the Phantom for any damage, mishaps, loosened screws or components
Remove the main battery There is some thought that removing the tension from the contact surfaces might help with the "Invalid Battery" issue...and it has to be removed for a charge, so why not now?
Stow away any parts and pieces that might have gotten moved, misplaced, etc. during the flight

Explain to the gathered crowd that you are a real Phantom Ace, take your bows and get to the recharger...!!


Finally, if you have anything to add that has been overlooked or any other suggestions OR corrections (VERY important to get this all right), please PM me with your thoughts. I've gotten a lot of input for this and have tried to incorporate all of them into a "fairly" brief summary... I will be more than happy to edit this list if needed. Thanks to those of you who have provided this help..
Nice, thorough, job, bro... :)
Question, just got my pv2 a few days ago and haven't flown yet. Everywhere i read and watch mentions you need to connect to the Wi-Fi phantom_1**** but all i see available is phantom_6****. That is the name on the wifi Extender Label and no other options show up on my phone.
sahair1....That sounds like a change that has been made to the addressing then. I got my info from the DJI Tutorial and it was what was on my P2V, which was purchased the middle of Nov. 2013....quite new..! I'd say that was not something to worry about, IF you can connect to the Phantom with that address and see the image from it along with the telemetry date, then go ahead and use it like that. I think I'll edit my List to reflect this....assuming your works fine. Please post on here or PM me to let me know the results you get. Thanks for the info about this change...
Great work Topeeka... I love the flow and format... ;)

I am glad you got it up over hear. nice work.
Two steps I'd add are:

Check that the camera connector is plugged in tightly.


Ensure that the camera's switch is set to "Wi-Fi."

-- Roger
Newbie Question???

Should the PV battery be stored separate from the aircraft?

Seems like I recall mine being shipped with the battery installed. But don't remember for certain. I might be wrong there…
I hesitate to store mine without the battery in the craft because that leaves a big hole for 'stuff' to get into. And since the battery can be turned off, and doesn't have to be disconnected to stop power flow, what does it matter? Then, regarding the electrical contact issue, seems like the contacts would be more likely to suffer from atmospheric and handling corrosion or damage exposed, than mated to the regular aircraft internal contacts??????

But having the battery compartment open is my main concern.

What are your thoughts?

Personally I don't like to keep the battery installed so that the sprung pins for the data link are kept in a "relaxed" state. I keep mine in a flight case, so no major issues with stuff getting inside. You could compromise and insert the battery most of the way but don't push it home.

Very safety conscious people would tell you to store any lipos in a fireproof bag/metal box away from the main part of your house...
Those sprung pins are also a concern to me.
My issue issue is how current in conducted to the pins. If the current is conducted through coiled springs alone, that is not a very good way to pass the current IMHO. I know this to be an issue from experience with G scale model trains. Some manufacturers use springs to electrify rail sliders. The sliders are a constant problem. We sometimes use conductive grease to enhance conductivity through the springs. I just haven't brought myself to put any on the Phantom contacts yet.
It would be interesting to see an interior schematic or cutaway of the battery electrical connectors.
The sprung pins only carry data from the battery (voltage, cell condition, etc, etc), the spades carry the main voltage. Good conductivity on the former is essential given the small contact area, on the latter it's less critical but desirable. A wipe down with alcohol and your favourite brand of lint-free-swab-material-on-a-stick every now and then will not go amiss...
In the instructions after the compass dance, it says
"Remember that the P2V camera should be pointing straight down or straight up"

I do not understand what is intended there.
Perhaps that is incorrect?

Thanks for the list, I hope to be using it, for
my first time, this very afternoon. :p :D :eek:
One addition - ensure s1 & S2 in uppermost position and hands off sticks when powering on controller.

A Post-Flight checklist might also be good .. that way I wouldn't keep powering off the aircraft battery with the video running :)
I would add to the "After flight checks..." section, as the first step:

Make sure you have stopped your video recording! Powering the Phantom down as the first step may result in a corrupted and unusable video file.
frisch said:

Thanks very much for the preflight checklist. I put this in a handy 2-page PDF, as I'm a n00b and wanted something to go through in detail. Thought it was worth sharing. Hope you find it useful.

On power down after landing only put left lever all the way down and hold for several seconds to shut off motors. If you shut off the motors using both sticks to center and down the Phantom has a tendency to tip and propellers hit ground. Also shut off video before powering down Phantom so video file closes properly. If you forget to shut off video first you can put card back in camera, power Phantom on for about 30 seconds and shut it off. This will repair and close video file but might lose the last 3 seconds of video.

Great PDF, just wanted to add these tips to help any new flyers.
Topeeka said:
This list is for the Phantom 2 Vision, (for the Original Phantom, see the posting on this Forum titled "Preflight Check List").... In these lists we have tried to cover most all of the steps, cautions, pitfalls, warnings, etc. that we all need to be aware of, especially if we are new to flying the Phantom.
More experienced pilots will probably not need all of these reminders, but it's better to aim for a complete and extensive list, rather than make assumption of, "That's SO basic, EVERYONE knows to do that!!"

If you find this to be of some help, feel free to custom tailor it to YOUR needs. Copy it as is for a more detailed and extensive Check List...OR...Cut, Paste and Edit it to make it a helpful document for your own style and experience.

A hint / suggestion before that First Flight, would be to affix or tape a message on your Phantom to the effect..."REWARD if found...Call 555-BR549"...or whatever your contact number might be.

Aerial & ground Pre-Flight Inspection:

Note wind direction and weather conditions
Verify no airport, air traffic, restricted air space
Check for any hazards, obstructions, pedestrian or vehicular traffic, personal property within flight plan
Check for wireless or EME interference potential, (Wireless Towers or Power Lines)
Plan emergency landing area accounting for the above

Aircraft Check:

Accessories Secured
Props inspected -flaws/debris/Nuts Verified tight
No Transport Damage

Phantom 2 Vision check list ~~~~~~~~~~Does NOT apply to the Original Phantom..

Check battery level of the uninstalled main battery and install it in the Phantom

(A note of caution here...refrain from touching any of the battery terminals, either those ON the battery...or the mating surfaces in the Phantom itself. Dirty or corrupted contacts have been suspected in many of the "Invalid Battery" messages...just keep "Fingers OFF" to be safe..!)

Turn on range extender (This is the first and longest step in establishing the WiFi network)
Turn on Controller (Listen for the confirmation beep...or double beep for FAA setting)
Double check of the main battery level after installation in the Phantom
Turn on main battery (Enjoy the sound and light show from the Phantom!)
(Press button on Main battery once immediately followed by a 2nd press-held for 2-3 secs)

(Turning on all three batteries ASAP will allow the WiFi network to begin connecting soonest)

Activate "Settings" in iPhone
Under "WiFi", view "Choose a Network" (There may be a short wait for the WiFI to become active)
The WiFi for "Phantom_1***" should be active, if not, select it
Activate DJI app on iPhone...or 'Droid
Verify battery power via DJI app
Check number of GPS satellites acquired ~ 6 or more required, this should establish "Home Point"

Orient the Controller antenna to vertical position.
Orient the Range extender at right angles to your projected flight pattern.
If needed, verify camera settings, stills, video, burst, ISO, tilt, etc.
Check for installed SD card & camera cable plugged in firmly.
Ensure that the camera's switch is set to "Wi-Fi."
No FPV (First Person View) image?? Remove lens cap from camera.. Duh!.!
Operate S1 switch (Upper Right Corner) - 9 +/- times to initiate Compass Calibration
Perform Compass Calibration by your favorite method..."Do the 'Dance' or Rotate the P2V!" First rotate the P2V in a horizontal direction until the Yellow lights turn to Green, then rotate in the vertical plane..Remember that the P2V camera end should be pointing either straight down or straight up, that is the Phantom body should be in a vertical orientation.

Successful Compass Calibration is indicated by solid green lights on the Phantom...
Start video camera or intervalometer for stills...optional, but nice to have take off images at times...!

Place Phantom so that the battery lights are visible, wait for all 4 to be lit. This establishes "Home Point" so the Phantom can RTH (Return To Home) in case of trouble...very valuable. The Phantom needs 6 GPS satellites for this to complete.

Double check for nearby obstructions, people, power lines, etc.
Ready, Set, Fly..!!

After flight checks...
Turn off the Main Battery power, the Range Extender and the Controller
Inspect the Phantom for any damage, mishaps, loosened screws or components
Remove the main battery There is some thought that removing the tension from the contact surfaces might help with the "Invalid Battery" issue...and it has to be removed for a charge, so why not now?
Stow away any parts and pieces that might have gotten moved, misplaced, etc. during the flight

Explain to the gathered crowd that you are a real Phantom Ace, take your bows and get to the recharger...!!


Finally, if you have anything to add that has been overlooked or any other suggestions OR corrections (VERY important to get this all right), please PM me with your thoughts. I've gotten a lot of input for this and have tried to incorporate all of them into a "fairly" brief summary... I will be more than happy to edit this list if needed. Thanks to those of you who have provided this help..

great write up and very helpful!! been flying my P2V for almost a month now and i guess i have been doing it wrong the entire time although i have not run into any problems. after starting all 3 batteries in order I would perform a compass calibration THEN i would wait for the 7 satellites to lock. apparently you wrote to first wait for the 6 satellites then perform the compass calibration and wait for the satellites again is that correct?

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