Phantom 5

Who knows, but with the release of the Mavic Pro and the Spark, I'm hoping the P5 will continue with that design philosophy of the camera forward design with the battery in the rear. Folding arms would be a BIG plus.

I'm still pretty sure it won't happen, but I'd like to see DJI batteries go relatively dumb by letting the drone itself have the intelligence. Hopefully that design would bring the price of batteries down. Also, there could be a cheapy device which you could quickly attach to the battery so that you could get its info like charge level and how many times charged.

The problem with this would be though that anyone could make a battery then for the drone, the aftermarket batteries would kill off the genuine batteries sales.... its a sales thing as much as a marketing thing (IMO)
The problem with this would be though that anyone could make a battery then for the drone, the aftermarket batteries would kill off the genuine batteries sales.... its a sales thing as much as a marketing thing (IMO)
Yes, as we know from pritnter cartridges and other examples. The issue here though is that flying with a genuine battery makes it more difficult to dishonour warranty claims, depending on the extent of crash damage the battery price premium may see you in front financially in some circumstances.
I don't know, but I'd be willing to shell out a significant amount of money if they include a Beer Me flight mode where it brings you a beer. I mean, if a dog can do it . . .
Romulan cloaking device on the next phantom! Somebodys been watching to many old star trek episodes. Lmao! No way man, that will never happen. Absolutely nothing good would come of it. The people just won't have it and the pilot can't see it either. You must fly within vlos. An invizable drone would contradict that on every level. Dji would never invest in that technology for the consumer market. They would tech themselves out of business. These things are already at a level that has surpassed what the average person is comfortable with their neighbor having. You make it invisible and silent and the public nor the government will never allow that in the consumer market. I'm sorry, no offence but that will never ever happen. If it does this hobby is doomed.

So, if it does happen and its invisible and the props are much quieter, no-one will hear or see it and that's cool. The only snag I can see is trying to find it in the box when it gets delivered.:)

If its uncloaked on delivery that's fine.;)

Now, get your thinking caps on. What would you do with a quiet and invisible a/c?
No one has said anything about the ADS B Transponder to make the FAA happy and the ability to track other aircraft and automatically restrict flying when the there is manned aircraft in the area. This is why they are saying the cost will be 2k plus.
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Nobody knows at this point. There aren't even any leaked photos of it floating around yet.
Somebody should tell this kid that. Lmao! He's g
Nobody knows at this point. There aren't even any leaked photos of it floating around yet.
Someone should tell this kid that. I found this quite humorous. The 2 year old video he claims is the p5 is in fact the phantom x concept.
Romulan cloaking device on the next phantom! Somebodys been watching to many old star trek episodes. Lmao! No way man, that will never happen. Absolutely nothing good would come of it. The people just won't have it and the pilot can't see it either. You must fly within vlos. An invizable drone would contradict that on every level. Dji would never invest in that technology for the consumer market. They would tech themselves out of business. These things are already at a level that has surpassed what the average person is comfortable with their neighbor having. You make it invisible and silent and the public nor the government will never allow that in the consumer market. I'm sorry, no offence but that will never ever happen. If it does this hobby is doomed.

The same fear was said about fpv / hud / and AR. Folks laughed when I said the future is hand gestures to control smaller personal drones. And no physical co troller will be needed....but now we have thise exact same features in the Spark.
Swarm tech is also coming.

I never said silent nor invisible. But there will be advancements.(the belly of the phantom is grey already, why?) Vlos would remain intact becuase the cloak effect is only perceived from certain angles. It wil be marketed as "smart skin" allowing the bird to adapt to the sky color so it can remain "optimally visible" under all sky conditions.

The purpose for this IS safety and of course 100% surveillance driven. Not all flyers are taking videos of the beach or their kids dirtbike races. The market for industrial and corporate aerial security monitoring is growing. Look at DJI's newest offering in the Matrice line. Dual gimbals. Waterproof. Extra sensors. Things a conumer doesnt need right now, but will trickle down to BestBuy models eventually.

Augmented reality will allow for vlos and added overlays for extra data. Think along the lines of an Ironman Stark'ish hud. The laws and rules about vlos will be updated to reflect the technology thats coming.

Maybe not for the p5 but we will see it happen. There will never be an end to the advancements in this product.

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