Phantom 4 malfunction and loss

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Ralph, I don't have a P4, I have a P3 Pro so I have no skewed interest or petty bias either way in the event you experienced.

I am interested in discovering the location of the bird and the probable cause.

Ignore the other speculators and their postings.
This is about helping you find your bird and why it's gone.

Do as Meta4 suggested and submit logs.
There are several really talented members on the forum here that can likely help you locate your bird and help you understand the unfortunate event regardless of why it occurred.
F**k fly away! I have more than 300 flights with a P1 and never had a problem! I had drifts (bad compass) and low battery incidents.... but this was on me!
Ralph, please do as Meta4 asks and post your logs. He is a genius when it comes to reading these and helping people narrow down where to look. Can't ask for a more helpful person IMO
Some of you guys are real a holes. As soon as someone opens their mouth about a possible "Flyway" you jump down their throats. The jury is OUT until said person uploads any logs they have. Maybe we can take a look at them and THEN come to a conclusion
Agree. I've been & currently am a member of several forums; my observation here is that this forum by far has the greatest # of a-holeism on it.
A problem with the P4? Impossible! [emoji4]
Other than short battery life and arms breaking off
I, too, would love to see the logs. I don't have a P4, so no dog in the fight, just curious as to what went down.

Lots of ways for things to go wrong with a free-flying RC aircraft with GPS, complex sensors and limited autonomy.
he is joking guys. when gps gets lost then the copter switsches to atti. Atti-Mode allows you to control it without gps and it shouldnt ignore your controls! No logs no believing
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Laughable how a seemingly fictitious post almost 24 hours ago can get people begging on their knees for logs.
I hope this is your joke.
He says: "What Should I do?"
We are saying:" Post logs so we can investigate it"
And you are coming and saying like this "Laughable how a seemingly fictitious post almost 24 hours ago can get people begging on their knees for logs" makes no sense
I hope this is your joke.
He says: "What Should I do?"
We are saying:" Post logs so we can investigate it"
And you are coming and saying like this "Laughable how a seemingly fictitious post almost 24 hours ago can get people begging on their knees for logs" makes no sense
I think the OP is full of it and you guys believe him and think he is going to post logs. I doubt you will ever see any logs or any kind of further evidence about this alleged flyaway. But I'm a pessimist I guess.
I think the OP is full of it and you guys believe him and think he is going to post logs. I doubt you will ever see any logs or any kind of further evidence about this alleged flyaway. But I'm a pessimist I guess.
I said already at post #72: no logs no believing
It was probably windy, lost gps and switched into atti and drifted away. Pays off to learn to fly in atti mode! Happened to my inspire once was in gps and shifted to atti mode. Flew it and landed it.
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A lot of people don't really know how to fly without gps assist. Sad but true

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
I am glad you shared your candid opinion on this. It has made me realize how I have a lot to learn. I rely heavily on GPS, and now Tap tap fly, and need to spend some time with how to control it manually.

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