Phantom 4 gimbal problem in flight

Oct 12, 2018
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I have a Phantom 4 which had gimbal damage awhile back and ended up having the roll motor replaced. Since then I have a couple of symptoms that I can't get to the bottom of. On startup I need to hold the camera in position until it starts moving around or often it will end up hanging limp pointing downward at a strange angle. When I hold it straight off the start it will usually adjust and settle in the normal position. Secondly, during flight I often have issues where the camera will suddenly turn up and to the left focusing on the landing strut. If I move the drone very slowly it is less likely to do this but especially on faster turns from left to right it will often happen. If I start it up and simulate flight by turning it in different directions it is can take a very steep roll toward the left (left side down) but not much at all the other way. It is now very common to get roll limit warnings as well but I think that may have existed prior to the motor replacement. Any input and suggestions are appreciated.
I assume the P4 is similar to the P3 in that it has a gimbal calibration. Might I suggest doing your normal hold at startup to let it settle normally and then do a gimbal calibration. See if that fixes it.
I have done all the calibrations many times. What it seems like is when the camera is level that the roll motor is turned most of the way to one end of it's travel. I was experimenting again this morning after doing calibrations and I can roll the drone about 45 degrees left (left down) before I get a roll limit warning but going the other way it happens at about 10 degrees. One other thing I noticed is that the camera ends up pointing slightly to the left of center after moving the drone around for awhile.
I have done all the calibrations many times. What it seems like is when the camera is level that the roll motor is turned most of the way to one end of it's travel. I was experimenting again this morning after doing calibrations and I can roll the drone about 45 degrees left (left down) before I get a roll limit warning but going the other way it happens at about 10 degrees. One other thing I noticed is that the camera ends up pointing slightly to the left of center after moving the drone around for awhile.
This sounds alot like the actual mechanical alignment of the gimble has moved out of alignment. Forgive me but i don't own a P4 (P3P owner) so i don't know if your gimbal has any set screws on any gimble shafts but if so, definitely check them.
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I'm pretty sure there are not any screws to adjust. This is a different roll motor (likely used) that was put on as a replacement. Do any P4 owners have comments on whether there is a way to adjust these?
I have a Phantom 4 which had gimbal damage awhile back and ended up having the roll motor replaced. Since then I have a couple of symptoms that I can't get to the bottom of. On startup I need to hold the camera in position until it starts moving around or often it will end up hanging limp pointing downward at a strange angle. When I hold it straight off the start it will usually adjust and settle in the normal position. Secondly, during flight I often have issues where the camera will suddenly turn up and to the left focusing on the landing strut. If I move the drone very slowly it is less likely to do this but especially on faster turns from left to right it will often happen. If I start it up and simulate flight by turning it in different directions it is can take a very steep roll toward the left (left side down) but not much at all the other way. It is now very common to get roll limit warnings as well but I think that may have existed prior to the motor replacement. Any input and suggestions are appreciated.
Have you try playing with these settings
I have a Phantom 4. I have never experienced the problem you have. Yours sounds like it may be a mechanical problem with the replacement.

My problem is that the camera looks very slightly to the right when it thinks it's centered. I have noticed that when the drone is off I can move it further to the right than I can to the left. It really is no consequence unless I am trying to fly a straight line using the screen. I decided to live with it rather than take it apart and render it unusable.

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