P4RTK/PPK processing v GCPs


Dec 7, 2021
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Hi all,

As a survey company we are at the beginning of our commercial drone practice.

We already own a standard P4pro but would purchase a P4RTK (to be processed as PPK possibly using Propeller or another service provider) and GCPs as checks, if it made commercial sense

In your opinion does this make sense to upgrade to another phantom 4 when we already have one even though it has the RTK/PPK functionality?

I like the argument I have read on an earlier post that if you are flying narrow corridors or over private land you just cannot place the required number of GCPs so it seems like RTK/PPK would be ideal

We are in construction surveying.

Thanks in advance
I think it would be a definite upgrade, but as a survey company, you may already have access to your own RTK system for setting GCP's, so that is an advantage. It would depend on your accuracy requirements. Getting the P4RTK would definitely get you more accurate results, but for simple volume calcs, etc, and if you can set your own accurate GCP's,you may not need it yet.
We have done some projects with P4RTK and results are great with sub 5cm horizontal and 10cm vertical accuracy even with only one GCP and using RTK.
Nevertheless RTK still needs GCPs just less. For volume calculations RTK would be enough.
But it is not cost effective if you already have RTK/PPK Survey tools.
Seems better approach is to upgrade P4Pro with hackish PPK kit and then use it for PPK. No need for RTK it is overkill and not needed as you don't process realtime data anyway.
In recent months, drones with extremely advanced optics are coming out on the market.

In case of topographic surveys whose purpose is only to have a model to measure distances and calculate volumes (without the need for georeferencing) these drones can work without GCPs ?
In recent months, drones with extremely advanced optics are coming out on the market.
Any examples?
In case of topographic surveys whose purpose is only to have a model to measure distances and calculate volumes (without the need for georeferencing)
If it have RTK then yes. For volume calculations between surfaces you also need to have same altitude reference so at least one GCP is needed.
Sounds like a joke 48 MP 1/2'' and only 0.46cm/px GSD at 30m. Such resolution we get even from 100m using P4.
High resolution, high noise photos large dataset just increases processing time without real benefit.

Any photo examples from "advanced" 48MP camera?
Hi all,

As a survey company we are at the beginning of our commercial drone practice.

We already own a standard P4pro but would purchase a P4RTK (to be processed as PPK possibly using Propeller or another service provider) and GCPs as checks, if it made commercial sense

In your opinion does this make sense to upgrade to another phantom 4 when we already have one even though it has the RTK/PPK functionality?

I like the argument I have read on an earlier post that if you are flying narrow corridors or over private land you just cannot place the required number of GCPs so it seems like RTK/PPK would be ideal

We are in construction surveying.

Thanks in advance
In it in working with surveying in the construction industry. Then you must have surveyor training whit a diploma. The by you may now how to do accurate mapping results whit by a Total stations in comparable a GPS and GNSS system.
The GCP / PPK is produced a local GNSS Reference Networks by jusing 1 or morh then 3 p. GCP / PPK you get a professional innovative reference stationary position. T1 - befor start surving by the drone. Put out GCP / PPK and start it. T2 - flying times total. T3 - after flying collected and extinguish as well as oplod data from each GCP / PPK = T4 gives accurate and reliable positioning. T4 you can produce by heilp of a GPS and GNSS Rover. Boot data of it haw accuracy 5cm. GCP / PPK haw a accuracy 1cm.
The RTK do the sham with and with aut help of a ground station.
If you the 2 data setup get together and do it again next time and again next time on the sham project you customer will then have an accuracy of 0,5 - 2cm all after yours work quality or bether all after jusing a P4PRTK, or a M210RTK v2 / M300RTK with a zenmuse x7 DL24mm
By a high quality all in all customer get a map with 0,5cm in error on X, Y and Z that do surving result on the stock pile on 10.000.000m3 hav a mistake on 0,08 % or bether say 0,1 %

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