P4PV2 - Reading flight logs to determine Slow Yaw / Gimbal Rotation

Oct 15, 2018
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
P4PV2 - Purchased July 2018

Im having issues with my bird and a lot of people are having the same or similar issues from what ive seen.
And it seems some peoples problems have gone after updating. Not mine though...
Unfortunately i didn't see the issues until 2.5 months after purchase, because i was not using it in my normal environment (was in Bali, Indonesia on holiday)
and i wasn't using it in ways you would notice (no long exposure, no flying over symetrical lines (city suburbs).I didn't update firmware until V.01.00.0020 was released.
And thats when the problems started.

Before V.01.00.0020
-Left and right slow yaw / gimbal rotation while stationary

After V.01.00.0022
-Right slow yaw / gimbal rotation while
-Left slight yaw direction while flying straight
-P4PV2 struggles to reposition its self after light wind movement (up to 7-10mph roughly)
-during automatic take off it wont fly straight up

Now im trying to read the flight logs, but im unsure what im looking for (sorta). And Dji Flight viewer and CSV list different parameters.
Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at 6.22.17 am.png

Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at 6.45.07 am.png

Am i in the right area to spot to find if my bird does - 1.Yaw drift (stationary and moving). 2.Drone drift. 3.Yaw drift while flying. Or should i just send it in for service?

Heres the logs from after the update if your interested. plus video i took.

DJI - Google Drive

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It seems that many to most of the Vr P4 drones do this. Yaw during hover. Yaw towards right or left in straight flight and movement off center during take off.

My Vr does all of these. Running latest firmware also.

Not willing to send it in as camera is tack sharp and odds are DJI would send a refurb.

Unfortunately seems DJI can’t or won’t fix. Since the problem has existed from day one and still no fix it’s safe to assume it requires hardware.

Mine has the yaw issue on hover. It’s not consistent but happens about 1/2 of the time I stop.

Hard to fly in a straight line also

Mine also tends to jump to the left on take off when it’s hovering after take off before any additional flight controls.

Paul C
Add me to the yaw drift list. Sent my P4P4+ into DJI, the returned a completely new drone. When I flew the new one? ...same exact problem. She will not fly straight and will "jolt" yaw left and right when orbiting.

This sucks because my Mavic2 zoom and Pro are incredibly rock solid with straight flying and super stable yaw motion.
I can confirm that sending the unit to DJI for service won't help. DJI acknoledged the issue with my drone (yaw when hovering, gimbal shake movement when braking). I sent it in for repair and it came back just as faulty as before. My p4adv, on the other hand, is flawless.
Really sad state of affairs.

Also still getting the bogus compass error on initial startup. Forces compass calibration before 1st flight of the day even though actual compasses shows to be fine. Thought the 1st firmware update was supposed to fix the false compass error.

Flew today a couple of flights. Both had intermittent yaw during hover. Sometimes excessive. Other times drone stopped and hovered in place perfect.

Was flying in intermittent strong wind gusts and also had a couple of motor warnings. Something about max motor speed reached. Backing of speed seemed to handle it. Have never had these errors before.

All other flight chacteristics seem fine.

Paul C

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