Sep 6, 2015
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Northumberland, UK
Not even sure where to start with this! So...

First flight. Had a little bumpy landing. Landed on soft grass, think the lower leg caught the ground, nothing physically broken, still flew the P3S about 3-4 hours later a little bit in my back yard.
-- Bumpy Landing Video:

During flight check i noticed the app doing something odd... switching between video and photo by itself.
-- Video of weird camera actions:

Had some odd SD card issues. (With being a photographer and using all types of memory cards, it was strange to have issues from the supplied Class 10 Sandisk SD Card! But still, tried with another C10 Sandisk 16gb SD card, same issues. (It wouldn't transfer the files to my pc from the first flight, kept on just loosing connection with my pc (Eventually i managed to do it) - There is nothing wrong with my pc, it's a custom built machine by myself - Every other card i ever use, works!). (Tried formatting the SD Card via the app - Just kept on saying "Format failed" or something like that). Anyway....

- I then started to get a "No Signal" issue via the app.
- Managed to get a connection every time i reset the app / wifi settings, but the second i go away from the camera screen, it lost connection.
- Tried updating to the new firmware - Kept on getting solid beep via P3S and a red light on the undercarriage. (Update had failed).

Seeing as i had only owned the UAV for 2 days, i sent it back to the dealer. (Had an absolute nightmare with the dealer - So requested that the P3S gets sent back to me, 3 weeks later). (Not mentioning dealer name as that wouldn't be professional of me!!!).

She arrived back with me yesterday.

- Managed to format the SD card first time via my pc - put it back into P3S, same updating issues.
- I also still can't format the SD card from within the app. (Just say's "Format Failed").
- Iv managed to get the camera to stay on by just switching to video mode as soon as i connect, but then it starts switching by itself and the same issue starts again! So i just recorded a new video for you all...

-- #2 Video of issues:

As you can see in the video, the camera mode / switching issue. No signal error. And, the "Failed to get device information" error from the update.

Any ideas would be great, taking it to a specialist on Tuesday (It's now Sunday morning 4am!). Probably end up sending it away to DJI to get fixed, if this forum / the specialist can't help.

I've literally owned it for 4 days, it's been broken for 2 of them and iv flown it once! Not forgetting it's been with the dealer for 3 weeks!!!

This is the 2nd UAV iv owned. First one was a great little Syma drone! (Loads of fun with that).

Iv read all the documentation, iv watched zillions of videos, im not an idiot! And im looking into the flight training via the CAA / training providers. (Tad skint right now!)

Cheers folks,
p.s. sorry about posting in wrong place before this one, it's late, im tired, iv put it inthe correct forum now. thanks
Was a little more than bumpy landing ;)
Maybe you have some issue with the cables between the gimbal and the birds.
Also with this kind of hit, you can have also some unexpected damage.
In mine, I was surprise to see that some flat cable was almost pre damaged during manufacturing as the gimbal support plate was tighten with that cable not at right place and I am always afraid that it get defective if I come to same situation as you.
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Was a little more than bumpy landing ;)
Maybe you have some issue with the cables between the gimbal and the birds.
Also with this kind of hit, you can have also some unexpected damage.
In mine, I was surprise to see that some flat cable was almost pre damaged during manufacturing as the gimbal support plate was tighten with that cable not at right place and I am always afraid that it get defective if I come to same situation as you.
View attachment 32063

Hi, thanks.

I have thought that it might be a loose cable somewhere, but would need to open it to find out, and seeing as it's brand new id rather just send it off.

Thinking about the bigger picture, i still think it's more of a software issue than hardware. But who knows! lol Was just posting to see if anyone else had the same issue as i could not find a thing on the net about this issue
Oh, and if you watch the landing video again, you'll see at the very end, where the camera is moving slowly down, that's because of the soft grass it was on. Literally, i love sitting up at that point with my camera. Really nice spot :)

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