P3 Adv & HDMI output module?

Feb 9, 2019
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Apologies as I'm sure this has been covered (though I'm not seeing it in search here)
Can I use some Dominators via an HDMI lead if I install the revised module on transmitter? this is the one I'm looking at;

Thank you for your patience
Hi, yes you can. I’ve used my Dominator v3 goggles using the hdmi module. Once you’ve installed the module you will be prompted to update the controller to give you the dual screen/goggle output. Make sure you get a quality lead.
Thanks, was hoping that was case, I did a few searches using different terms here and just wanted to confirm before I went ahead.

after installation I need to power up both transmitter (and) quad to get the extra information on screen about sending data to goggles, is there a specific order after that to switching everything on before flight
It’s been a couple of years but from memory I powered everything up including my mobile device and waited for the FW update to pop up on the top of the app when in the ‘ready to fly’ screen. Open that up, and away you go. You need to update to enable the simultaneous screens to function. A word of warning though, when you install the module ensure you positively click the ribbon clips back into place when installing it, otherwise the grief begins.
Thanks I was wondering if they had to be powered up in sequence, expect it becomes obvious as I do it
and yes that installation with those ribbons looks pretty fiddly though I did an Ipod battery swap last year and those aren't very big either :)
Thanks I was wondering if they had to be powered up in sequence, expect it becomes obvious as I do it
and yes that installation with those ribbons looks pretty fiddly though I did an Ipod battery swap last year and those aren't very big either :)
All good, can’t remember the sequence if any but it will flag once everything is powered up. As for those ribbons, if they aren’t seated and clicked into place, the cover replaced and the screws seated, you will get weird stuff going on. If you can manage an iPod, you’ll smoke it.
Thanks I was wondering if they had to be powered up in sequence, expect it becomes obvious as I do it
and yes that installation with those ribbons looks pretty fiddly though I did an Ipod battery swap last year and those aren't very big either :)
I thought the sequence was important, but I haven't had any problems no matter when I did what. Plugged in, unplugged, controller or drone first...doesn't seem to matter. But, that's with a P3P. Enjoy, I don't think I would fly a drone without one!
Interesting, must admit I'd only seen a connection sequence mentioned the once so though I'd just ask here while I'm waiting.
till now I've been viewing ipad down one of those blackout tube viewer things but hoping the headset googles is as good as others have mentioned.
All the same I'd have to run an ipad in order to alter settings that wouldn't otherwise be accessible (I imagine)?
Interesting, must admit I'd only seen a connection sequence mentioned the once so though I'd just ask here while I'm waiting.
till now I've been viewing ipad down one of those blackout tube viewer things but hoping the headset googles is as good as others have mentioned.
All the same I'd have to run an ipad in order to alter settings that wouldn't otherwise be accessible (I imagine)?
Yeah you will still need your iPad to use the home screen for settings, ensuring you have your RTH set etc.
OK success those connections are miniscule aren't they, but with patience I got them all in,
powered everything up and got a visual through the goggles,
first thing I noticed is how quickly they fog up so thats my first question, next is how to best position them over eyes,
they seem (in first five minutes) to not sit squarely on my face will I get used to this?
OK success those connections are miniscule aren't they, but with patience I got them all in,
powered everything up and got a visual through the goggles,
first thing I noticed is how quickly they fog up so thats my first question, next is how to best position them over eyes,
they seem (in first five minutes) to not sit squarely on my face will I get used to this?
If you have dominator v3 goggles, there is a fan at the top of the goggles activated by a small black button on the top right to stop them fogging up. As for the fit, can’t do much except for additional foam pieces that fit around the eye contact area for a more snug fit.
Mine don't have the fan and I'll just have to get used to the fit in time I expect
Installed the module apparently OK first couple of flights using Dom's though I noticed quite a lot of lag as in I'd decide to steer or climb and see nothing happening in goggles, steer or climb some more, then goggle catch up and find I'm not where I AC would be!
is this usual with an HDMI connection and can anything be done about it?

Also as I'm here my camera sometimes goes from facing forwards to straight down and back again unprompted any theories on that one would be appreciated

Installed the module apparently OK first couple of flights using Dom's though I noticed quite a lot of lag as in I'd decide to steer or climb and see nothing happening in goggles, steer or climb some more, then goggle catch up and find I'm not where I AC would be!
is this usual with an HDMI connection and can anything be done about it?

Also as I'm here my camera sometimes goes from facing forwards to straight down and back again unprompted any theories on that one would be appreciated

If you are not seeing any lag when flying on your iPad, I suspect that it will be your hdmi cable not being up to the task of transmitting data and video ‘quick’ enough. I bought a high end cable for mine to reduce any possible lag issues (double the price of a standard cable). As for the limp camera, there were many posts some time ago on the forum. No real explanation as to why but many, including me, power cycled the battery and that seemed to fix it.
Interesting and thanks, in fact I'm using nearest cable out of the 'man drawer' to get on nd use goggles but I'd ordered an expensive version from Amazon which I'm waiting for so that might be enough.
I've noticed subsequently that camera has behaved itself on another battery so thanks and I'll note which battery/state of charge it occurs on next time
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