new Colin Guinn video on YouTube fascinating

Well that was 11 wasted minutes out of my life ill never get back, particularly the personal rant & conjectures for the last 6 minutes. Like Colin seeking litigation with the Hong Kong factory was going to be a surprise? Apparently after hearing both sides, the judge seems to feel there are grounds for issuing a temporary injunction. One thing's for sure, if there's a big enough stake in it for Hong Kong, there -will- be a settlement, and Phantoms will once again adorn dealer's shelves again.

Question is, will another OEM with better drones and better service overtake DJI on the high-speed drone freeway?

The best part of the video was at 9:29 "I love this stuff, I buy this $h!t all the time!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
All I can say is... WOW... Thanks a lot Colin Guinn... You A-hole!!! Not only did he sucker all of us in with his fancy BS videos about how awesome the P2V was (not to mention it's 'high-end' camera), but now he forces DJI to stop selling to everyone in North America!!! Where does that leave all of us who need replacement parts, have bricked cameras or need complete replacements? I feel so screwed over! What a nightmare this whole thing has become!

I must say "I don't know what to say"...

I do have a question that may be out of place, but just flow with me...

Is there ANY other company out there that are making devices similar (features) to the P2V with 20+ minutes of flight time under $1500 US?
I would happily purchase something else with a better camera even if it costs a bit more.
Go to Ebay, there a a lot of China vendors with parts. This is temporary, it is a mater of time before other dealers bypass Guinn and start a direct biz relationship with DJI HK.

All corporate politics.
Having been shafted by a couple of Chinese companies over the years I am with colin on this one. Do not know the facts but a judge would have not granted this temporary injunction lightly. Feel sorry for any in the US who cannot get spare parts though.
iDrone said:
Nvr2fst said:
See you on the other side........
Some of us are planning on Trick or Treating at your place later this year just to find out what you've got cookin'.

iDrone ;)

If all goes well, maybe something about the size of them things in the Macys Thanksgiving day parade.....

Is this the reason my extra battery's are on back order?

To the poster from the UK, I too deal with Chinese company's and wealthy Taiwanese investors each week on large commercial development projects here in the Los Angeles area. After a few years I am starting to get their culture, it's much much different then the way we do business here in the US. Two things I have come to know (1) they do not trust anyone, everyone is out to cheat them and (2), even when you have a rock solid agreement everything and anything is up to renegotiation at any time.

BTW, I have loads of fun with my P2V!
Is it just shipments to the existing dealer network that are blocked?

Is there anything prohibiting direct DJI to customer sales, or
shipments to hobby type stores that are not already dealers?
HollyFlier said:
All I can say is... WOW... Thanks a lot Colin Guinn... You A-hole!!! Not only did he sucker all of us in with his fancy BS videos about how awesome the P2V was (not to mention it's 'high-end' camera), but now he forces DJI to stop selling to everyone in North America!!! Where does that leave all of us who need replacement parts, have bricked cameras or need complete replacements? I feel so screwed over! What a nightmare this whole thing has become!

I have to mostly agree. I bought my Vision due to Guinn's claims of the 'high end camera' thinking it would be a better and cost saving way to get aerial photos to my customers. (now I find out it is not legal to charge for the flying time only post time) The first Vision was sent back due to softness in both edges. (in the stills) The next was too noisy (grainy) to be of any use. I am waiting for the third to arrive. A month ago, I tried to reach DJI by email. No response. Then I started researching the Phantom. What I have found is nothing but scary! Little or no Customer Support. Rampant flyaways and Phantoms falling from the sky due to bad soldering. There seems to be no Quality Control. I am now trying to figure out what to do with the third. Play with it like an expensive toy, or send it back and ask for a refund. I should have researched this more before initial purchase. If I would have known it was made in China, I would have known better.... Nobody to blame but myself.

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