My .02 Nvidia Shield and Ipad Air2

Dec 26, 2015
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Ipad Air 2 (Cellular) 16GB $325 - Nvidia Shield K1 (WiFi) 16GB $199

I bought the iPad Air 2 exclusively for use flying my Phantom 3. I came in and read all the posts on comparisons between the two tablets and was conflicted. There were some really heated exchanges. I was using my android cell phone with my wireless account but I recently received a business phone so I really didn't need the personal phone any longer. So I transferred the cell line to my iPad Air 2 (cellular). I could not be happier with the iPad. It is fantastic. That brings us to today. I need a device that can display videos from an SD card and it wouldn't hurt if I could use androids version of Litchi I have heard it is great... Hmmm so I bought a shield. Ordered it this Tuesday and it arrived the following day at 10am (AMAZON PRIME IS NO JOKE!) So now here are my takes on the two devices only as they pertain to our hobby as quad enthusiasts and Phantom Pilots.

Air2 - the screen is larger and perfect for me. It is easier to navigate through the menu's because their is sufficient real estate. It is really easy to move around. You can actually access menus without fingerfuddling the wrong functions
Shield K1 - is smaller but it is almost perfectly balanced on the RC. It isn't as large as the shield but it does have enough room to move around.

MOJO says Winner - Air 2 - If you are a guy who has problems navigating around the screen. It is much easier to do so with the Air2. Things are spread out enough for even the fattest of fingers. On the other hand the shield fits nicely on the RC is balanced. The iPad will flop over if you let the lanyard hold it.I would concede that some might like the smaller sized screen as a personal preference..It can be difficult to get around with the iPad. It makes the setup top heavy.

Air2 - rock solid lag is insignificant.
Shield K1 - rock solid lag is insignificant
MOJO says TIE - both are fantastic

Air2 - noticeably brighter than the shield not perfect but the better of these two
Shield K1 - You will need a sunshade - with the screen shaded it is serviceable (this tablet was built as a gaming tablet... made for inside use)
MOJO says Winner - Air 2 and it isn't close.

Update: I bought i bought an anti glare screen for the K1. It is much better. Still it is not in the same class as the Air 2


Air 2 - I'm getting 8 hours plus sometimes with my Air2. I use it all day and charge it at night.
Shield K1 - Guys the battery on this thing sucks. No other way to say it. For the purpose of this review that really isn't a huge deal because 3 hours is enough to fly and review footage but ... be close to power if you are making a day of it with the shield.
MOJO says Winner - Air 2 and it isn't close. I really never even paid attention to the battery with the Air2. With the Shield you better. It is powerful but it sucks down the juice more on that later.

HEAT: (I only include this because I think it will be an issue later.)

Air2 - Never noticed any heat. I have been using the tablet without a cover. The temps are in the 70's. The Air 2 is cool no noticeable heat at all.
Shield K1 - I flew a few batteries and found it to be noticeably warm. There may be a reason for that as i was running the onscreen recorder but it gets warm here in the summer. This could be a concern later.

MOJO says NO WINNER: I have no idea what will happen when the Shield gets warmer or if it will get warmer because it didn't effect the performance during my flights. My opinion may change later if the Shield starts shutting down during flights.

Air2 - I will just start by saying I do not like the speakers on the Air2. they are on the side. I often times find myself cupping my hand on the speaker so I can hear it. (years of shooting has taken a toll)
Shield K1 - Speakers are forward facing so... you can hear it without needing to take any measures to bounce the sound

MOJO says Winner - Shield K1 - While the shield wins this comparison is about the tablets and how they are different for our hobby. I will say I turn the volume up on the Air2 and have no problem hearing the audible notifications. which is all i use the speakers for during flight anyway. So this is one of those where I say the Shield wins but the difference while flying is not significant. Both systems are fine for flying and playback later.


Air2 - As with most apple products. Apple doesn't really care that you want to use the tablet and actually access the data on the tablet. In fact, they make it about as inconvenient as possible. You have to connect to iTunes copy files over to a file and then share. While that is not terribly difficult, it does require the use of another device and it does require you to tether to your computer to get your flight information. This is the cellular version, so the upside is I flip on cellular data switch and the maps upload automatically (I have it connected through my data plan).
Shield K1 - I went to fly and forgot that the Shield K1 is not cellular..CRAP! I walked back to my car connected to my phone and cached the map. No big deal but it does require having another device to obtain the data. (I do know that there are previous versions of the shield that do have cellular; none of the new ones have cellular they do have GPS so you can access the same functionality in flight as the Air2 Cellualr) So with the shield you must have a device that has the ability to share data or you will be flying without a map which is No Bueno. Sharing flight data is simple though. Go to the file on the tablet and share it... In fact, I use automated upload through Healthy Drones. One button and it is done.

MOJO says Winner - Shield (Android) To me caching the maps was nothing it took about 30 seconds. I went to the car connected to my phone and I was finished in about a minute. Anything that requires connecting to iTunes is an inconvenience. I actually hate iTunes.... I was able to upload files from my shield in seconds. That was a real bonus. I walked through the door clicked the button and I was done and looking at the uploads on Healthy Drones.

Air2 - Both seem to run identically on the DJI GO APP. Litchi, really nice and admittedly, I haven't really had a chance to work with it on either platform yet. (I am in the "read the **** manual" phase). Autopilot - I do not have this program I will probably get it later. (NOTE: I will likely not get this application until they solve the hover/autoland problem)
Shield K1 - This is were the shield crushes the Air 2. First, the shield comes with an on board screen recorder. So if you like to effortlessly record everything you see in DJI Go or Litchi as you are flying this is a huge bonus. I did use Litchi for some basic stuff and can say it is nice. (Here I will defer to those who have used it and say that Litchi Android is better than Litchi iOS) I have Litchi on both and will compare them in a later post. Anyway as I mentioned earlier the automated means of sharing flight data are win wins for the Shield. A process that took me 10-15 minutes on iOS is about 5 seconds and one press of the button on android.. No need to connect to iTunes or a computer which I despise.
*Note part of the battery drain I mentioned earlier may possibly be because I was using the on-board screen video recorder.I don't know yet because I have yet to fly without the screen recording.. because it is so cool.

MOJO says WINNER - SHIELD and it isn't close - I love the screen recorder and automated apps
Update: If you have Litchi on iOS you can screen record the flights and share them similar to the Shield K1. It isn't as functional in that you can only record while in Litchi. Still this closes the gap a little.

Air2 - Well run what you brung! My Air2 only has 16 GB of memory. For the purposes of this evaluation that really is plenty. The problem is ... No removable media. Why that is important is that you can't access the media from the copter until you get home or to a computer.
Shield K1 - This is another area that is a huge win for the shield. The size of the internal memory isn't important to me. What is important is that I can take the card out of the copter and immediately view the footage or photos on the shield. No need to go home and upload. You can share the full sized images right after you land. (you will need to tether to a wifi source to share obviously.. remember the shield does not have cellular function) An added bonus is that you can transfer the data to the shield if you like and free up your card for more flights.

MOJO says Winner - Shield no comparison. Before the iOS guys say who cares for me it is important. Having a micro sd slot is incredibly useful. It would have come in handy when I was in Florida. I could have reviewed my photos and videos on scene and made the appropriate adjustments in the field. Instead I didn't see the full size photos or videos until I got home.. Almost 1500 miles later when it was too late.

The winner depends on what you value most. For me the winner is easy. BOTH!

Please provide me your comments!!!!
Hope you enjoyed the post and that it is helpful.

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I love my Shield but you are right, the battery SUCKS. It is a little better for me since I bought the proper charging cable for it, but it does still drain quickly. How do you do screen recordings with it? I keep hearing about this but yet to find the app its in.
I love my Shield but you are right, the battery SUCKS. It is a little better for me since I bought the proper charging cable for it, but it does still drain quickly. How do you do screen recordings with it? I keep hearing about this but yet to find the app its in.
It is kind of hidden. Pull down the menu from the top. You will see a camera setting with the word share next to it. Click that and set it up. The tablet was built for gamers. The screen video capture was intended to screen record gameplay. All I can say it that it is fantastic. It records 1080p 30fps. File saves on the tablet ready to view or share.
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It is a little better for me since I bought the proper charging cable for it, but it does still drain quickly. .
What do you mean proper charging cable. Does it charge faster? I don't have a problem charging. I just notice that it kills the battery. I have one of the chargers that can charge 4 tablets at a time. Super nice charger really small. I am really going to watch the battery on the shield this weekend. I want to see how much time I can realistically get on one charge.
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Ooooo-k, awesome! Found it. Thanks for that. Now I can delete the third party app I got for that.
What do you mean proper charging cable. Does it charge faster? I don't have a problem charging. I just notice that it kills the battery. I have one of the chargers that can charge 4 tablets at a time. Super nice charger really small.
As you know, it didn't come with a cable. I was just using some crap my kids had around the house. I finally bought a good one that says made for the shield. Charges like a beast now. That one that charges four at a time sounds cool.
I use a 12vdc car charger and keep the shield plugged in when needed, but I haven't had a problem running 7 batteries.

You can brighten the shied by lowering the Gamma under color correction and also change the colors to suit.

The HDMI port was another major buying option for the shield. I can plug it directly into a TV or FPV goggles wherever.

The SD card having up to 128gigs of extra storage was another huge factor, I put in 64. This way I can easily transfer files to my pc and also pull it and use it in the P3 or visa-versa in an emergency.

The shield has built in GPS so I haven't had any problems with maps.

The price difference was a major deal also because I'm using it in the bush and didn't want to drop a $650.00 64gig tablet when I can get the shield for $200.00. If I drop 3 shields I'll still be saving money.

Then I have an iPad and honestly, I prefer oranges... :)
I use a 12vdc car charger and keep the shield plugged in when needed, but I haven't had a problem running 7 batteries.

Yeah I think you probably wouldn't have an issue but the battery is not very good. Probably has a ton to do with the power of the tablet.

You can brighten the shied by lowering the Gamma under color correction and also change the colors to suit.
I just had it on it brightest setting. That's interesting.

The HDMI port was another major buying option for the shield. I can plug it directly into a TV or FPV goggles wherever.
I haven't used this yet. Yes this is another plus. I did not include it because I don't use it when flying. I should have because it does allow you to immediately play your content on a television or even as you are flying. Another big plus for the shield.

The SD card having up to 128gigs of extra storage was another huge factor, I put in 64. This way I can easily transfer files to my pc and also pull it and use it in the P3 or visa-versa in an emergency.
We think alike I did purchase another card that works with the P3.. I believe 64 is the max so that is what I purchased.

The shield has built in GPS so I haven't had any problems with maps.
Yeah but.. the new shields do not have cellular. So if you go somewhere unexpected you will need another device to cache the map.

The price difference was a major deal also because I'm using it in the bush and didn't want to drop a $650.00 64gig tablet when I can get the shield for $200.00. If I drop 3 shields I'll still be saving money.
Well the shield is significantly cheaper but... I bought my iPad Air Cellular for $325 it came with 16 GB of space which is what the shield comes with. So the difference was $125 for me. Like I said earlier, I don't care about internal storage. The big deal for me is the microsd capability and being able to exchange cards with the numerous devices I have but for the purpose of my comments here. The ability to view photos and videos immediately.
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Oh and I wanted to add that the shield handles the playback of the native 4k files from the phantom easily. At first it was choppy and I was thinking it was getting bogged down. it wasn't the tablet, it was the player i chose. Use VLC player and the videos play perfectly.
I use VLC also. To adjust the color you need to uncheck the "Global Tone Mapping" box then it opens everything. If you reduce the gamma and the brightness for indoor use then your brightness button can add some extra brightness in outside when needed. Every tablet still works best with a hood.

I realized that the air 2 cellular 16gig was cheaper but being that I use the storage space, I wanted the 64gig as a base price for both. I didn't couple the sd card to it like many do because I want to be able to switch out cards whenever.

I updated my shield just because and it says that I can now use it as a hotspot... Or that's what it says anyway on version 6 but I haven't checked on it because I have it WiFi'ed to the phone always so it always has the map automatically.

There were people saying that version 6 has some GPS bugs a while back but I've not had any issues.

And I use "360 Security" to kill all apps and boost the shield before I fly, though I don't usually turn on airplane mode. I was going to use it as a dedicated tablet but it runs great so I do whatever with it including downloading, google earth, blogging & playing games.
GREAT review! You hit some great highlights and I think you nailed it when you left it up to each person to determine what they might like most about each.
I love my Shield but you are right, the battery SUCKS. It is a little better for me since I bought the proper charging cable for it, but it does still drain quickly.

I've not really noticed any issues. However, I use the Shield almost exclusively for flying.

In the settings I have the Performance/Power setting on the Optimized Power Plan. I also have it turn off after 6 hours (so I never turn it off manually). I also have the screen display turn all of the way up with no color/screen correction. I turn Bluetooth off. I'm running Android 6.0.
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Hmmmm.. That's interesting. Yesterday the shield was much better. I think I will setup the auto shutdown. I also have not bothered the color settings. I also have the screen brightness turned all the way up. I have an anti glare screen today. So I will see if that helps. I will say this. The brightness difference between the Shield and the iPad is noticeable.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app
Great review, MOJO.

I have enjoyed my Shield Tablet for many of the reasons you covered. One thing I'd add, the speakers are outstanding!

I just got an iPad Pro 9.7" which is the same size as the air 2. I haven't flown with the iPad Pro yet, but it is MUCH brighter than anything that I've seen. I'll get a Hoodi for it, but I doubt that it gets used much.;)

For reference:
iPad mini= 11.1 ounces= 7.9"
Nvidea Shield= 13.7 ounces= 8"
iPad Pro 9.7= 15.9 ounces= 9.7"
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I realized that the air 2 cellular 16gig was cheaper but being that I use the storage space, I wanted the 64gig as a base price for both. .
For the purpose of my cost comparison I used the 16gb version of the iPad because it is what I have and it is also comparing apples to apples. Both the Shield and the iPad I compare have 16gb of internal storage.

eBay unlocked cellular iPad Air 2 - $325
Amazon Nvidia Shield K1 - $199

Like I said the difference in price was not a factor for me I need both for different reasons. The difference in price for me was $126 bucks.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app
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Great review, MOJO.

I have enjoyed my Shield Tablet for many of the reasons you covered. One thing I'd add, the speakers are outstanding!

I just got an iPad Pro 9.7" which is the same size as the air 2. I haven't flown with the iPad Pro yet, but it is MUCH brighter than anything that I've seen. I'll get a Hoodi for it, but I doubt that it gets used much.;)

For reference:
iPad mini= 11.1 ounces= 7.9"
Nvidea Shield= 13.7 ounces= 8"
iPad Pro 9.7= 15.9 ounces= 9.7"

Fly with it I'm interested if you have a similar take as I did.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app
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While it isn't a built in function. Litchi for iOS does have a screen recorder and it automates uploads to HD. Very nice!

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app
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