Mavic Release Discussion

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Most of us are chomping at the bit for this new Mavic mainly due to its size. We all have had situations where we didn't bring along our Phantoms or Inspires because of the inconvenience of doing such. It's now very apparent that drone manufacturers will concentrate on portability which leads me to believe that folding style arms and props could be present in the next Phantom. The Mavics wide stance will certainly alleviate the accidental tip overs many have experienced with their Phantoms however, the minimal ground clearance of the Mavic will need to be watched carefully for objects getting caught in the props. One important lesson I've learned is don't part with your current bird until you give yourself enough time to experience the new one. I've made the mistake of selling one for another only to end up buying back the one I previously owned, a costly mistake.

Well said CCD - no doubt there are many that jump too soon. I'm happy with the P3A and P4 I have now. The portability of either the Karma or Mavic is for certain a real bonus and teaser. You may be on to something with regard to future Phantoms and making them more portable. Safe flying and filming!
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What does this show?

Good question - probably only the better image/focus - haven't seen the original however.

Looks like him on the skateboard on the cross-walk - that guy flies anywhere any time. Best be more aware of where he is at times or one of these days....look out!
Yikes - props in the video of the Mavic (can be seen around the 10:39 - 10:40 mark in the upper left corner) only for a very short duration but nonetheless present. Not something you will ever see in the Karma videos.

Both Karma and Mavic serve a purpose and it's up to the individual to decide which one suits them best. A lot could care less about autonomous flying - follow me and even front mounted only obstacle avoidance etc. Price point for value received is what will make or break any kind of purchase. Let's face it, the object of "flying cameras" is to get great footage from the sky and there just isn't a whole lot to run into up there.

I still say price point for value received is what I would consider - e.g. in order to do with the Mavic what you can do with Karma (as related to aerial and hand-held camera and footage) you will have to spend a lot more dollars. Approximately another $500.00 - $600.00 (on top of a full package Karma) for a 4k camera + an Osmo.- Vs what you get from the Karma right out of the box.
I reckon the karma will be a better overall drone, yes the dji is packed with more goodies but the karma took awhile to come to market and I would say they made sure what ever the karma would have would be right and of good quality.
I reckon the karma will be a better overall drone, yes the dji is packed with more goodies but the karma took awhile to come to market and I would say they made sure what ever the karma would have would be right and of good quality.

I agree and I think their intent is to make sure that what they advertise it to be - it will be just that. Maybe no bells n whistles, but at the same time - they are not pushing options that may or may not work all that great. Keep it simple and make it work I think is there plan!
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I reckon the karma will be a better overall drone, yes the dji is packed with more goodies but the karma took awhile to come to market and I would say they made sure what ever the karma would have would be right and of good quality.
karma is dead they waited to long there stock is dropping everyday sorry but little to late for them
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karma is dead they waited to long there stock is dropping everyday sorry but little to late for them
Yes maybe but in my opinion I reckon it is a better built drone, dji already have a massive customer base because of the huge numbers of drones sold over the past years so it is only right that they will sell far more drones than the karma. I have a p4 and love it but I would like to see a new drone to hit the market to keep dji ob their toe's :)
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I agree and I think their intent is to make sure that what they advertise it to be - it will be just that. Maybe no bells n whistles, but at the same time - they are not pushing options that may or may not work all that great. Keep it simple and make it work I think is there plan!
Absolutely your right, don't over complicate things and in return your forums will not be full of unhappy pilots :)
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karma is dead they waited to long there stock is dropping everyday sorry but little to late for them

A little presumptuous I would say - don't count on initial stock prices to give you any real accurate assessment of a companies immediate success or failure with any product.

I believe when looking at cost versus value for what the consumer gets - the Karma is way out in front (excluding all the "bells an whistles" Mavic has). Lets be realistic - the obstacle avoidance (on the front only) and the autonomous flying are not any kind of make or break options when considering the actual intent as to fly and film! Cost and end value for what we get as a consumer is in the end what really counts. Time will tell I guess.
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Yes maybe but in my opinion I reckon it is a better built drone, dji already have a massive customer base because of the huge numbers of drones sold over the past years so it is only right that they will sell far more drones than the karma. I have a p4 and love it but I would like to see a new drone to hit the market to keep dji ob their toe's :)

Bang on - nothing like a little or a lot of healthy competition to keep the "leaders" of any product on their toes. Love my P4 also and not rushing to make any changes.
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Everyone forgets...the Karma's camera/gimbal is detachable. That's a highly desirable feature.
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you guys in US are so lucky. for you buying new drone is two weeks of work basically, here in Europe the price is more than month salary :(
Everyone forgets...the Karma's camera/gimbal is detachable. That's a highly desirable feature.

Exactly the point I have been trying to get across with respect to cost versus value and what you get at a specific price point. As I have said a few times - the intent is to fly and film, (including when you are not flying) so why not get the best bang for your buck. The Karma with what they offer right out of the box in that context (flying n filming) is the winner hands down - to enable the Mavic to have those same features (detachable 4k camera and gimbal) would run you into the $1800.00+ range versus around $1200.00 for the Karma.

I know some will go on about all the "other" options the Mavic has Vs Karma - however, I am only considering as mentioned - the intent to fly n film, period. A lot are comparing what the Mavic has on board with it's gadgets and speed - many of this same group also complain how those things don't work very good or don't work as advertised on the Phantoms. It is well worth your time to sit down and consider cost versus value for what you get and the intended use of your "flying camera"!
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Exactly the point I have been trying to get across with respect to cost versus value and what you get at a specific price point. As I have said a few times - the intent is to fly and film, (including when you are not flying) so why not get the best bang for your buck. The Karma with what they offer right out of the box in that context (flying n filming) is the winner hands down - to enable the Mavic to have those same features (detachable 4k camera and gimbal) would run you into the $1800.00+ range versus around $1200.00 for the Karma.

I know some will go on about all the "other" options the Mavic has Vs Karma - however, I am only considering as mentioned - the intent to fly n film, period. A lot are comparing what the Mavic has on board with it's gadgets and speed - many of this same group also complain how those things don't work very good or don't work as advertised on the Phantoms. It is well worth your time to sit down and consider cost versus value for what you get and the intended use of your "flying camera"!

Like one poster said above, the detachable camera is going to be the bigger seller for the Karma. I have a P3P and I also own several GoPro's. I wasn't one of the ones jumping for joy when the Karma and Mav were released but if I didn't have a drone yet, I'd have to go with the Karma because I already have the gopro's. You'll get more bang for your buck. All you'll need to do is bring one GoPro and the Karma and your set as far as stabilized footage in the air, land, and/or water. The price points are almost identical between the Karma and the Mav but when deciding you gotta ask I want drone that has some bells and whistles in the air or do I want a drone thats just an ordinary drone but the camera can be detached and used on the included hand gimbal and can be attached to a bike, surfboard, or anything for that matter? Someone who has not yet been exposed to the drone hobby will probably get the Karma.

I'm not looking to get either because I like flying my P3P...but down the road when I decide to move on from the Phantom...gotta see if bang for buck is still a discussion between the Karma and Mav. .
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First you mention it's all about film and fly and say the karma is the best because of the removable camera. [emoji519] and [emoji521]?

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots

A detachable camera is not at all important to me, I have other cameras for this.
Exactly, no need for the Karma when you can buy a Mavic, GoPro and selfie stick. Two cameras and the best of both worlds.

Thats also alot of $ if your planning on getting the Mav + GopRo + hand gimbal. Alot of people don't have $ growing in their backyard.

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